Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sept. 16th

Reagan has started her 1/2 day pre-school and is loving it! I thought she would probably cry some on the first day or the first week. But, she didn't! She is doing so well... We really like her pre-school b/c it is very biblically structured. Right now, her class is talking about God's creation. She has been coming home talking about God and Jesus! Wednesday night at church we got there early and there was a little boy running around the sanctuary and she said, "Who is that?" "What's his name?" I didn't know the little boy so I told her I didn't know who he was. She got quite for a minute and asked, "Is his name Jesus?"

So, while I am loving having 3 whole hours to myself on MWFs, I know it will all change soon with little Cara on the way. Only six more weeks! I've been napping a lot during the day b/c I can't seem to get comfortable at night. Oh well...

Austin is doing well, keeping busy with work. He attended a company cookout Tuesday night and said it was a lot of fun. I think they all got to ride go-carts. And he brought home a big blow-up GoodYear blimp toy for Reagan and a gallon of sweet tea for me. I crave sweet tea!! Yummy! I heard that while a woman is pregnant, their baby can actually develop it's own likes of certain foods. I'm guessing this baby will like sweet tea and cereal.
Speaking of likes- Reagan likes coffee! No, we don't let her really drink it, but she has had a sip and thinks she likes it! Now I can't even go to the coffee shop or drive through w/o her wanting some too! She likes to taste it out of my cup with a "baby spoon." - infant feeding spoon. (Who knows?) The other day I was drinking just black decaf coffee and she tasted it with her baby spoon. She liked it- black coffee! I put the cup away and said she couldn't have anymore. She started crying and said, "No, I want black cossee!" So, she taking after mommy and her love of Java! Don't worry, we won't let her drink until she's at least 5yrs. old! :)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Reagan's New Backpack

Last Friday we bought Reagan a bear backpack that is also a "kid leash." I have always made fun of people in the past who put their kids on a leash. But, now that I'm a parent- I can see the advantages when in a crowd or at a public place like the mall. Kids can get away from you very quickly!! Reagan loves her backpack and actually likes to be led around on the leash. She thinks it's fun! This is a pic I took on Saturday morning. She has the leash handle around Minnie's neck! Poor Minnie! She had to go everywhere Reagan went that morning! Minnie has a good life except for the occasional harrassment she receives from Reagan. But, she is a very patient dog as well- thank the Lord! Minnie we love you!!!

Uncle Reid's Visit

Austin's brother came to see us over Labor Day weekend. Here are a few pics of his visit. Reagan had a blast playing with her "Unca Reid." She was asking for her unca Reid for several days after he'd gone home. I don't think she quite understands that Reid is at his home in Arkansas. Reid- we had a great time while you were here. It is always good to see you and catch up... I know Austin really enjoyed getting to hang out with his little bro. Maybe one day he'll convince you to move to N.C! Ha!

Reagan is now sleeping in her new twin bed and she fell out of the bed twice while Reid was staying with us. The first fall happened at 3:30 a.m. and was pretty bad. We have since then put padding on the floor to break her fall. We have wood floors which can make for a hard fall. A couple of nights ago she was crying out in the middle of the night. Austin went in to check on her and she was half hanging out of her bed - her head and body were dangling out over the padding on the floor and her feet where still in the bed! :)