Thursday, February 22, 2007

Reagan's Scissor Adventure

I just discovered today that Reagan has been hiding scissors in her closet for some time now. This morning she wanted me to open something for her and I told her to wait a few minutes and I would. (I was in the middle of changing the baby's diaper.) Well, she came back a few seconds later and said, "Look, I opened it!" So, I got suspicious.... I asked her where she got scissors and where she was hiding scissors. She opened her closet door to reveal a huge mess of things she had cut with her green, kid scissors. So, she had been hiding the scissors in her closet and going in there to cut things throughout the day. I've noticed she been quite content to play on her own the past few days- which is not like her. Some of the things she destroyed with her scissors included: crayons, (chopped into tiny bits in her trash can) ribbon, construction paper, a glue stick (how do you cut up a glue stick?) She also cut open a sample pack of baby shampoo and poured it all over our dog Minnie! And she decided to give her stick pony a mowhawk! And the pony's hair was all in her bedding. Well, at least she didn't think to cut her own hair! Thank God... So, this afternoon I got to vacuum out her bed before her nap. I guess Reagan takes after me b/c my mom said when I was little I used to scalp all of my barbies dolls... :)

Another funny story on Reagan- Last night she wouldn't go to sleep b/c she said there was a bug on her ceiling. ( I know I have made her bug paranoid!) So, Austin went in her room and killed the bug. About 5 min. later she was crying and saying there was another bug. Again, Austin went in her room and looked for a bug but he didn't see anything. So, he told her there were no bugs and to go back to sleep. She kept on and on about "the bug" and wouldn't settle down and go to sleep. Austin finally went in her room and picked her up and held her up to the ceiling and said, "Show me the bug!" Reagan got really upset and said, "No, no! There's a bug!!!" Well, she looked and looked and saw no bug.... So, she said through her tears- "There's no bug!" And then she went right to sleep! Funny stuff!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day Post

Well, I have no pics to post this time...I'll need to take a few for next week's post. Reagan had a Valentine's Day party at pre-school today and absolutely loved it. She is really into any kind of party. Aren't most kids? We made little treat bags to give away to all her classmates. She called the party her class was going to have a Valentine's Birthday party. I think she believes every party is some type of B-day party... who knows.

My grandfather passed away on Sunday. (My dad's stepdad) The funeral was today. It was good to see people I haven't seen in a while. But, my grandmother was very sad. My step-grandpa used to be the choir director of the church the funeral was held the pastor chose to play a few hymns he had led back in 1984. Wow! I didn't realize he could sing so well. It was really neat to be able to hear him singing. - very moving. Austin, along with some other men, was chosen to be a Paul Bearer (sp?) He asked me what a "Pole Bearer" did b/c he had never heard of that before! :)
He had to sit at the front of the church to carry the casket in and out of the service. He was sitting on a row with all the other men and I thought, "Yea, he's definately the best looking, and he's mine!" :)....he looked sooo handsome in his suit!

We went out to dinner just the two of us Saturday night for our Valentine's Day dinner. Austin said it was a surprise. I asked him what kind of restaurant we were going to so I would know what to wear. He had made reservations at a pretty dressy place, but I guess he didn't realize how dressy it was. He had never eaten there before. I had, but it has been years ago. Anyway, he said he was going to wear jeans and a sweater. The only pair of my jeans I can wear right now have a few holes around the knee. They don't look bad, just very casual....So, I didn't know we were going to this certain restaurant, so I wore the jeans. HA! I was very under dressed. Luckly I could hide my legs under the table!! We had a lot of fun though. It's always good to get out ALONE! You'll never value your alone time more until you have children. And everyone said, "Amen!"

Enough of my ramblings. I will post some pics next time. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

My Cute Girls!

I know I haven't been the best about blogging lately. It seems myspace has taken up most of my time... myspace is addictive! :) So, I am pledging to blog more often! Here are some pics that I've taken of the girls recently. The top picture is of Reagan and Cara Grace having a tea party! - pretend of course! Cara Grace really enjoyed it. She loves getting attention from her big sister! She smiles and coos at Reagan all the time. Reagan got the baby doll in the pic for Christmas. It is really cool. It cries, laughs, and coos. So, I took a pic when Cara Grace and her baby were both crying and Reagan is holding her ears- very funny! She can't stand it when Cara Grace cries b/c she has a very LOUD cry. When she was born the doctor laughed and told us we wouldn't need a baby monitor! It is so weird, but Cara Grace hates to be in her car seat and hates riding in the car. Needless to say, we haven't taken any road trips with her yet. She is so good and content at home, but the second I put her in the car seat, she starts crying. She will stop crying in the car when we get up to about 50 mph, but starts crying again if you stop or slow down. Everytime I go to a drive-thru she is screaming. I went to the coffee drive-thru the other morning and the lady that worked there said, "Awww, your baby must be hungry!" I said, "No, she just hates riding in the car!"

Emily, I took a pic of Cara Grace in the outfit you sent us! It fits great now and she looks so cute in it! That was taken before the spit-up incident before we went to church one Sunday morning!

Anyway, Austin has been gone to Orlando for a big GoodYear convention. He is coming home tomorrow and I can't wait. Taking care of the girls w/o him is just plain hard work! Plus I just miss him!!! So, everything is good here. We all can't wait for warmer weather. It has been very cold here lately. I will be ready for Spring. Hope everyone is doing well!
Until next time...