Sunday, May 20, 2007

More Vacation Pics

I had to put a picture up of the alligator!- This is for you Charmaine! :) Austin's mom had a little confrontation with an alligator near the condo one morning. The alligator was wanting to come out of the water to sun and she was standing too close. So, it growled very loudly at her. All in all we had a great trip. I can't wait to go again!

Hilton Head Island Pics

Uncle Mark is sooo good with the girls. Cara Grace took right to him! And Austin made us breakfast every morning! He's such a good cook! I've needed help since my surgery and Austin has really pick up the slack with the girls and household duties. This morning he tried on my pink house shoes. Unfortunately they were too small. I thought, "Yep, you're a Mr. Mom right now!"
Cara Grace loved sitting under the umbrella at the beach. She liked all the fresh air. She squealed and kicked!

Congrats Mark-O!

Just wanted to say Congratulations to my brother-in-law Mark. He just graduated high school. WAAA-HOO! He's free at last! We were able to meet up with Austin's family in Hilton Head, SC this past week. The weather was wonderful. We had such a great time. It is always so nice to see his family. I wish we could see them more...

Saturday, May 12, 2007