Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It's a Full Moon- and I'm freezing!

So, I must have PMS or something b/c I wearing a coat and socks in 80 degree weather. Oh, and I'm eating cookies as I type this blog.

Hey Sunday I played backup chords on the keyboard for P&W! I was a little nervous, but I had fun! It was really neat getting to play w/ Austin. We had practice together last Thursday night. I was really nervous-since this was the first time I've played with the band. During one of the songs I glanced back over my shoulder to look at Austin and saw that he was playing his bass with his EYES CLOSED! - and the sound that was coming out of his bass was nothing short than amazing. I thought, "Geez, here I am with my eyes glued to my music, hands shaking- and you've got your eyes closed!" I love him! He's so talented!! :) But, Sunday went well.. I look forward to playing again in the future.

Reagan is starting preschool next Tuesday. The countdown has begun- for both of us! She is really looking forward to seeing her friends again. Today we went to "War-Mark" as she calls it and got her a pink Barbie backpack. I mean, come on, did I honestly think there would be another choice? Two words- Pink and Barbie. If any of you out there are wondering about Christmas gifts - again, Pink and Barbie.... I was folding the girls clothes the other night and Austin looked at me and said, "Good Lord! There's just sooo much pink in this house!" I had to laugh! :)

A funny story on Reagan- She has a t-shirt we got her this Italian restaurant in Blowing Rock called "Pssghetti's." The picture on the shirt is of a kid eating spaghetti and getting it all over his face. The caption below the pic says, "I'm a pssghetti head!" This is not one of Reagan's favorite t-shirts. She thinks it's a boy shirt b/c of the colors. You know, it doesn't have pink on it...Anyway, she wore it to bed the other night b/c it's all she had clean at the time. I was behind on laundry. The next morning she woke up, looked at me and said very loudly, "I'm Not a Pssghetti Head!!!" She repeated this several times. She asked if she could put on a different shirt. I said, "sure." So, she went into her room and came out wearing a...... yep, you guessed it, a pink shirt!!

Cara Grace is crawling with ease now. And pulling up on everything in sight! She'll be walking before we know it... I'm not encouraging this behavior!! :) She has a funny crawl. Her knees never touch the ground. But, she gets around pretty quickly this way. I think this strange crawling is due to the fact that we have all wood floors in our house. She also is starting to make different sounds and talking some. She can say uh-oh, bye-bye, da da, and me (her word for mama.) It's so cute. She makes this sound like she's got something stuck in her throat or kind of like a low growl. My dad said she looks like Smeagal (sp?) off Lord of the Rings. - With her funny sound and her weird crawl. Too funny!!

Well, I started school last week. I had my first math class Monday. I am trying to get a head start on my homework.. Austin is a great tutor! Except for tonight. He was trying to read a book and I kept interrupting him saying, "I'm confused, I don't get it..." Slowly but surely I'm "getting it."

That's all for now. New pics to be posted soon!!! Hope you all have a blessed week!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Just Plain Busy- But Happy!

This weekend we had a baby shower for my sister at my mom's new house! She is having a little girl in October. Her name will be Mackenzie Beth Wrenn. My sister looks so great- she hasn't gained a lot of weight with this baby. Unlike me- hee, hee! I think I would've felt a lot better at the end of my pregnancy if I hadn't been as big as a whale! Oh well... such is life I suppose. She was blessed at the shower and received many nice gifts. Katie (Beth's daughter) helped me pick out the babies' gift. I bought the aquarium bathtub on her registry and a big, pink bib that said -"I am NOT a girl!!"-Katie insisted. I really bought that for Chris. He wanted a boy so bad. But, hey, you get what you get! :)
Last Friday our church had it's annual Kid's Fest. We give away over 1,500 bookbags to the children of the community- stuffed with school supplies. Reagan had a blast! There were tons of inflatable games, free haircuts, and a really cool petting zoo. The animals were not very happy however. I think they were all hot and tired of being handled. Reagan enjoyed the rabbits the most. She played on the inflatables until dark and it was time to deflate them. I got to play on them as well. It was so much fun. I think there were about 4,000 people there in all. What a fun time! We are really enjoying our church more and more everyday. I know this is where God wants us to be! I talked w/ our praise and worship pastor and he asked me if I would be interested in playing the keyboard. I would be playing some backup chords and possibly some rhythm as well. I am very excited about this opportunity. It will be so great to be able to play with Austin on the p&w team. It is a big committment, but I would like to give it a try.
This Thursday starts my Fall elem. ed. classes- again. I will be taking Math and Music. This works out really well b/c music will be easy and something I enjoy. Math on the other hand- well, it's just yucky. But, I'll get through it.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Cara Grace has officially starting crawling and starting to pull up on things this week. She is getting better at it everyday! She crawls with one leg straight out, it's cute to watch! :) She is very inquisitive and wants to explore everything-including any small morsels on the floor. And of course they go straight to her mouth. It's been a while since Reagan was that age. I'm having to re-baby proof our house. I've forgotten how much babies get into once they're on the go.

Today she was crawling in the kitchen and discovered the a/c vent. She was bent over the vent licking it and trying to put it in her mouth! I had to laugh! Cara Grace is a very happy baby and she loves to eat. She is not picky when it comes to her baby food. She will eat pretty much anything I give her. She is however, very interested in family dinner time. We put her in her high chair so she socialize with the family at dinner time. Tonight she was intently watching me eat a piece of cantaloupe. She was begging to eat it. So, I gave her the whole piece on her highchair tray to see what she would do. She picked it up and licked it and tried to bite it. I took it away from her b/c I was afraid she'd get a big chunk off in her mouth. Well, she didn't like that one bit. (side note- she has quite the temper and it can get up very fast!) So, was all had a good laugh!

Reagan is doing great. She is getting into Barbie and plays princess dress up a lot. She's our mini Diva. She is very excited for preschool to start back. (so am I-ha, ha!) This year she gets to take a lunch box and a backpack to school. For those of you who don't have kids- this is a VERY big deal. We are going to take Reagan to Wal-Mart sometime soon so she can pick out her lunch box and backpack.

Austin is still working away at Clark Tire. Summers are very busy for him and he is looking forward to when things will slow down a bit. He is doing a great job! Profits for Clark Tire are up 40% from last yr.- that is sooo great! :) He is playing the bass for our church. We are going to a district conference this weekend and he'll be playing for that as well. We are looking forward to that!

So, things here are busy as usual... but good! I will taking 3 classes this fall. I only have 4 semesters and then my student teaching! I will have to get back into the swing of things with class and all the studying....which means probably no tv or movies for a while. Oh well, it'll probably be a much needed break!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Hilton Head Island

We got a chance to go the HHI for a few days a couple of weeks ago. It was sooo relaxing! We didn't even get out of the bed each morning until 10 or 11 a.m. It was awesome! My favorite thing was riding bikes. We rented bikes and rode them all over the Island. And of course I liked visiting Starbuck's! Which I did on a daily basis! :) I love HHI because of all the trees. It has so many of them. And the beach is just tucked in behind all the trees. It's great! We also got to go to the movies twice. What a treat! We went on a date every night! I love Hilton Head!!!