Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What's going on with us...

Reagan and her cousin Peyton

Just wanted to post some quick pics of the girls. We are doing well... it has been a crazy, busy month for all of us.

Most of you know that my Grandmother passed away on the 18th. She died very suddenly from a post operative blood clot. She had shoulder replacement surgery on a Thurs. and passed away the following Tuesday. So, we were all shocked and very sad. I will miss her so much. I loved going over to her house for Sunday lunches. I will miss that the most! She was a wonderful lady!

Reagan is loving preschool this year. Although, I don't think she likes going everyday. The other morning I told her we needed to get her dressed. She said, "Where are we going Mommy?" I told her she was going to school. Her response was, "AGAIN?" I laughed! I wonder what it'll be like next yr. for her when she starts Kindergarten.

Cara Grace is standing up on her own now and taking some steps while holding on to things. She likes to clap and move to music. She loves music. She has quite the temper as well. She is a very happy baby, but her temper can get the best of her sometimes. Hmmm, maybe she's a little like her mommy...

I'm going to be an aunt again any day now!!! Mackenzie Caldwell Wrenn should be coming very soon! I can't wait to meet her!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

More to come...

So, I haven't blogged at all lately... There is so much to write about. I promise I'll blog later tonight. So, folks, until then!!!