Tuesday, December 18, 2007

This is MY School!

Dec. 14, 2007 - CHATTANOOGA, TENN. – For the third-consecutive season, the Appalachian State Mountaineers are kings of NCAA Division I Football with a 49-21 rout of Delaware. With the victory over the Blue Hens, Appalachian sealed a dream season that started with an upset for the ages and finished with a third national championship ring.

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Go App! You make us so proud! And what about that upset at the beginning of the season against Michigan State!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

I love it!

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End of Story!

Season Finale is Sunday night at 8p.m. Not sure who I want to win. It should be pretty exciting!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Christmas Pics

I wanted to get some snap shots of the girls in front of the tree to use as a holiday card. Geez... it was very difficult to get Cara Grace to sit still and Reagan to look at the camera and smile- in a "non- cheesy" way! Needless to say, it was an tiring task!
I wasn't suppose to be in the
pic, but Cara Grace wouldn't
hold still!

Reagan and Eli

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Thanksgiving Pics

Cara Grace all bundled up on a cold day
in Harrison!

A competitive game of Nertz.

Grandma and Reagan baking cupcakes.
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Harrison, AR 2007

Just wanted to post a few pics of our Thanksgiving trip to Arkansas. We had a wonderful time. It went by way too quickly, as usual. It is always so great to get to see Austin's family! We just wish we could see them more...

The guys at breakfast. Oh, how they love breakfast!

Family pic taken at Grace Christian Center.-
Austin's parents church.

Reagan at her Great-Grandpa house in Jasper, MO
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