Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Funny Kid Stories...

Yesterday I decided it was time to venture down into the basement and start going through all of Reagan's old baby clothes and toys- to get ready for baby Cara. We had four huge boxes to go through and seperate. Reagan "helped" or rather bothered :) but she had a blast doing so. I would hold up an outfit and say- "Oh Reagan, this outfit is nice, remember it?" Of course she didn't but she said, "Oh! It's just so cute!" She had to try on all of the infant socks- as much of the sock she could get halfway on her foot. She ended up taking her nap wearing one pink and one white baby sock! By the time we were through, we were both wearing stretchy baby head bands too! They were the ones Morgen sent Reagan when she was first born. Later that day I went through our avent bottles and Reagan had to have her after-nap milk in a bottle! It is going to be interesting when the baby gets here! Reagan is going to have to do everything the baby does!

I have a cousin who has a 3 yr. old and a 5 yr. old. Her 3 yr. old wanted to say the blessing at the dinner table the other evening. So, when she prayed she asked God to help her Dad because he was not perfect. After the prayer, the dad said to his little girl, "Well, I am perfect to you!" Then the 5 yr. old son piped up and said, "No, your not Daddy!" "You cough, sneeze, burp, poo-poo in the potty and you have a big butt!" I thought that was so funny! Kid's really do say some funny things!!!

Well, Reagan is officially potty-trained! Finally!!!! But, she still has a few issues with doing #2. She isn't really thrilled when it's time to do the deed. She covers her eyes. Sometimes she'll wait a day or two to go. Yesterday I knew she needed to go. She kept telling me that her belly hurt. So, I told her if she poo-pooed in the potty I would give her some M&M's. Well, that worked! After she went she said, "Whoa! That was a big Poop!" :)

A little undate on us... Things are going well. I am in my 26th week of my pregnancy! At my next appt. I have to do a glucose screening test. Yipee :( My belly is getting bigger and it is getting more difficult to sleep. And I still have a ways to go! Oh well.. Reagan says Mommy has a BIG belly and gets excited whenever she can touch it. But, things are good. Austin is staying busy with work and I am getting busy trying to get the nursery ready.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Our visit with the Phillips

Here are some pics of our visit with Austin's parents Tim and Charmaine and his brother Mark. While they were here, Mark and Tim helped Austin put together Reagan's new play fort. It turned out to be quite a job! It was very hot outside the day they put it together so they were all tired that evening. Reagan is thrilled with her new play set and we spend a lot ot time outside now on the swings- her favorite! Everyday I push her on the swings for about 30 minutes and then we go and check on the garden and pick ripe tomatoes and green beans. Our tomato plant is producing so many tomatoes all at once- I've had to give some away! It has been a very dry summer this year, but we finally got some rain on Friday. Minnie is afraid of thunderstorms! She starts shaking and panting and stays right under my feet!

We had so much fun with Austin's family and wish we could see them more often! We are looking forward to their visit in November when they will come out to meet our newest addition- Cara Grace!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Belly

Here is a pic of my belly around 20 weeks. I think it has gotten a little bigger since this picture was taken. I am officially six months pregnant now. The time is going by rather quickly. We still have so much to do to fix up the nursery. It's different with you second- it seems like with Reagan we had so much more accomplished by this time. But, since we're having girl #2, we won't need to buy a whole lot. I've saved most of Reagan's clothes and toys. I am still feeling good, although I get tired pretty easy. I guess it's b/c I'm keeping up with a three year old as well!

Austin's parents were able to come out and visit over the 4th. We had a really fun time. Reagan enjoyed seeing Grandma and Grandpa. We will see them again soon- in November, after the baby's born. I have lots of pics of there visit. I will post them soon.