Monday, August 21, 2006

Tired and Grumpy!

O.K. it's official- I'm tired!! It seems it's all I can do to keep the house picked up and keep up with Reagan. Today, I have felt like a total grouch to Reagan. Being pregnant the second time around is a very different when you have a little one already! I have felt much, much better physically this time but this pregnancy has been challenging in other ways. But, only nine more weeks! It's going by so quickly! I finished registering at Babies R Us yesterday with my friend Kamie- (she's prego as well) we had a lot of fun! I am having a family/friend/church baby shower on Sept. 24th. We don't need too many things, but it'll still be fun! I'm looking forward to eating the cake!

Although I am scheduled to have another c-section, I really wish I didn't have another one. Somedays I think I would like to try and have the baby naturally, but it scares me. We will wait and see... I just don't like the idea of having another baby "surgically removed!" It's feels so strange knowing your being cut on while you're wide awake! What a way to bring a baby into the world!

On a lighter note- Reagan got into the cabinets in our bathroom the other day and discovered mommy's panty liners.... She is obsessed with them! She insisted that she wear one Saturday in her panties after I gave her a bath. My mom called later that day and Reagan told her that she was wearing a "panty winer!" And she laughed and laughed! I think it's pretty funny! Today I was cleaning our hall bathroom and Reagan had found her kid scissors and was cutting a big piece of pink sidewalk chalk into little pieces all over the kitchen floor! Three-year-olds, you gotta love them. Reagan makes life fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only 9 weeks to go!! Wow, seems like time has flown! It's ok to feel tired...your carrying a baby and running after a 3 year old! I will check out your registry...that is so fun!
Oh my gosh! Reagan cracks me up with her "panty winer" obsession! Someone sent me a pic the other day of a little boy covered in them! Ha. They must seem so fun!
Hang in there and post more pics!!