Sunday, November 12, 2006

More Baby Pics

Just some more pics of our little Cara Grace! I had forgotten how much work a newborn can be. Cara Grace is a good baby and sleeps most of the time still. But, it is still a lot of work! Especially when I have a three year old to look after as well. We all had a good weekend together. Austin is a huge help when he's home. The baby kept us both up most of the night last night. So, I took like three naps today to catch up. She seems to have her days and nights mixed up a bit. Hopefully that will change. Babies change
so quickly! I want to cherish every moment and every day with
b/c I know before I blink she'll be three like Reagan is. Reagan
was very fussy and difficult as an infant. I look at her now and
think, "Wow, things have sure changed!" No matter how much
work babies can be I look at Reagan and think it is definately all
worth it!!!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Finally Pictures!

Reagan and her baby sitting in the
glider rocker at the hospital.

We think Cara Grace looks a little like Reagan did
when she was born. But, they both look very
different as well. I think Cara Grace is going to
look more like me. She has really light eyebrows
and lighter hair than Reagan. Her eyes are blue
but not a clear blue yet.

Proud Daddy and his little girl

Today we took Cara Grace back to the doc. for a weight check and she has gained 5oz. since Sunday! She is back to her birth weight and then some. She is a good eater! 0-3 months clothes are just now starting to fit right. She is more petite than Reagan was when she was born.
I am recovering very quickly from the c-section. I am able to get around and do more and more everyday! Mom has been staying with us and has been a great help. I will miss her when she goes home again. Cara Grace already has herself on a schedule at night. We get up to feed her at 1, 4, and 7 a.m. Hopefully she cut some of these out soon. But, her feedings are very predictable now, so that's good! More news to come...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Cara Grace is here!

Our little bundle of joy arrived here on Wednesday, Nov. 1st at 7:37 a.m.
She weighed 7lbs. exactly and is 20 inches long. The c-section went really well. I wasn't as nervous this time since I knew what to expect. I did get a little sick from the spinal block I received and was throwing up on the operating table. - which was very nerve wracking. But, that soon passed. All the staff and nurses at the hospital were great! I couldn't have asked for a better stay!

Cara Grace is doing well. So far, she is such a great baby!!! She sleeps alot right now. When she is awake, she is very content and doesn't cry very much at all. She does not like to have a bath of course and doesn't really care for her car seat. Reagan loves her new baby sister and wants to feed and hold her. We are trying to make her very much a part of all we do with the baby so she'll feel included. Reagan is a big help to me. She throws away the dirty diapers and says, "Yucky!!"

I have been recovering quickly and feeling better each day. We have tons of pics to post and will hopefully post them tomorrow. Sorry the news has been slow coming. It has just taken us a few days to get adjusted and feeling better. More news later....