Monday, November 06, 2006

Cara Grace is here!

Our little bundle of joy arrived here on Wednesday, Nov. 1st at 7:37 a.m.
She weighed 7lbs. exactly and is 20 inches long. The c-section went really well. I wasn't as nervous this time since I knew what to expect. I did get a little sick from the spinal block I received and was throwing up on the operating table. - which was very nerve wracking. But, that soon passed. All the staff and nurses at the hospital were great! I couldn't have asked for a better stay!

Cara Grace is doing well. So far, she is such a great baby!!! She sleeps alot right now. When she is awake, she is very content and doesn't cry very much at all. She does not like to have a bath of course and doesn't really care for her car seat. Reagan loves her new baby sister and wants to feed and hold her. We are trying to make her very much a part of all we do with the baby so she'll feel included. Reagan is a big help to me. She throws away the dirty diapers and says, "Yucky!!"

I have been recovering quickly and feeling better each day. We have tons of pics to post and will hopefully post them tomorrow. Sorry the news has been slow coming. It has just taken us a few days to get adjusted and feeling better. More news later....


Anonymous said...

Congrats again Linz and Austin! So excited for you! I bet Reagan is such a good big sis. I'm so glad to hear you are healing fast and things went well. I think you are doing great to post already...I know things can be a little crazy after you get home with trying to adjust to a new little one in the house! And we only have one!! Looking forward to seeing lots of pics when you get a chance! Get some rest. We are thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

It was great to hear Cara and Reagan on the phone our last call! I'm sure each day is a little better than the day before for you. We are believing with you for a great, speedy recovery. Can't wait to see Cara! Love you so much!

Mom and Dad Phillips

Jeremy and Morgen said...

We're so excited for you guys. As much as I would love to see tons of pictures, I will be patient! Get plenty of rest and take care of yourself. Once everyone has settled into the routine you can post billions of pictures!