Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Phillips Visit and other news...

Austin's family came to visit us the last of November. They got to stay for a whole week! We had a lot of fun. It was so good to be able to see them for more than a few days. I know I am posting these pictures late, but I've been so busy keeping up with two now! Cara Grace is doing awesome! She is such a good baby! She eats and sleeps a lot. She is now sleeping 7 to 8 hrs. straight at night thanks to the Baby Wise method I've been using. I love this book! It gives parents the freedom they need, -not having to worry about always rocking the baby to sleep and then two seconds later the baby waking up. This book helps parents teach their baby to fall asleep on their own. It encourages parents to put their baby in the crib while they're still awake. I love it! Anyway, it is really working for us. Cara Grace has been much less fussy since I've applied the methods I've learned from Baby Wise.

On another note, it has been an unusually warm winter here so far. This morning I was looking at the USA Today's weather map and saw that it is cooler in Phoenix, AZ than it is here! That is so crazy! It's hard to get into the Christmas spirits with it being so warm. But, I think it's suppose to cool down soon.

Last Monday night I had to go to the emergency room. I was having a lot of left kidney pain. The pain was so bad I told Austin we needed to go to the hospital. Well, after a cat-scan the doctor discovered that I had a kidney stone! I've never had one of those before and never want to have one again!!!! That is the worst pain I've ever had! I've heard people compare the pain to labor. Anyways, I passed the stone on Friday and feel much better now. So, last week was a weird, painful week, but praise God for his healing and protection! So, between the c-section and the kidney stone incident, I am glad to be feeling better! This holiday season I am thankful for my good health and my family. Sometimes we take for granted our health. Over the past couple of months I have come to appreciate more the blessing of good health!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Phillips Family!!! We all have so much to be thankful for. I'm so glad all is going well with you guys. Looks like you had a good time with Austin's family. I bet they loved seeing the girls again.
Wow! I can't believe Cara Grace is sleeping through the night! That is so amazing.
Sorry to hear about your kidney stone. I hear those are awful!!
Anyway, have a great one!!