Sunday, January 21, 2007

No New is Good News, Right?

Ahh, I was just looking through some old pics on our computer and discovered this one taken of me like a year and a half ago. I am seriously liking my hair that short as it is in the pic- maybe I'll get it cut again soon? What do you all think? Oh, and to be that thin again would be really nice, but hey, I'm working on it! As of Jan. 1st, I officially started my exercise and weight loss program. Which is essentially a low carb diet with an occasional reward day. Which are usually Sundays. A "see-food" diet would be more fun though... ha, ha. You eat everything you see! Someone once told me that it is easier to gain weight than lose it... I'm beginning to think that person is crazy! I have been working really hard for a couple of weeks and have lost 3lbs. Oh well, that's a start. I must say, pregnancy the second time around has just left my body looking not so hot--but!!! Cara Grace is so worth it.

Not much has been going on here, just doing the mommy thing. This morning we all got ready for church- which to those of you who have children, know this can be a difficult task! Reagan woke up too early this morning and was grouchy like an old crab. Well, she likes to have warm milk in her sippy cup while watching cartoons first thing in the morning. So, she told Austin she wanted "cold" milk and to watch t.v. (A little side note, Reagan has the words "hot" and "cold" mixed up.) - The other day I went to check the mail and it was really cold so told Reagan to stay inside. She disobeyed and walked out onto the driveway barefoot and said, "oh! hot! hot! hot!" Pretty funny! :) Anyway, Austin forgot about this and really gave her "cold" milk. Well she threw a fit, so he spanked her and put her back to bed.... After several spankings, Reagan got happy. So, this is how our morning started. Things were going pretty well until we were all about ready to walk out the door and Cara Grace spit up all over her nice Sunday outfit. But, somehow we made it to church on time. Probably b/c I started getting everyone ready at 7 a.m. Church starts at 10:30 a.m! But, hey--Kids, you gotta love 'em!

Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Resolution...

I put these two pics up b/c our girls are so precious to us. They are our New Year's resolution- to be the best parents we can be-living for the Lord and letting him direct our lives. Oh, and of course I want to lose 15 lbs! :)

Last night Austin and I went on a date! It was great! We haven't been out just the two of us in
quite some time. We went dinner and a movie. (and did some shopping for Austin at his favorite store- Abercrombie.) I can't stand that place. It's so loud and dark. I must be getting old. But how can you see the clothes it's so dark in there. It reminds me of a night club. And the teenagers that work there seem as about as bright as rocks. OK, enough about that, but you get my point. Austin looks good in Abercrombie clothes though.... We went to go see the movie Rocky Balboa. It had a slow start but turned out to be really good. It had a lot of good, encouraging scenes. It made me look inward at my own life. Turning 30 in 2006 wasn't fun and I've been thinking about getting older. I asked my mom if I would get over this feeling and she said yes, but you'll feel this way again later in life. She said we all have to reckon with our immortality at some point in our lives. And she is right. It bothers me that time seems to pass so quickly. It seems like the older I get, the faster the years pass. Reagan is getting so big and Cara Grace is changing right before our eyes. But, this year, 2007- I want to make a vow to enjoy everyday, every minute. Life is too short to waste it on discontentment, bad attitudes, etc. Sometimes I feel like I'm not "doing" anything for God. But, I just need to look around at my family. Raising Godly children is my life's work for the Lord. Instilling in them the values of a christian life, a God centered life is my number one priority. If we as parents don't do it, nobody will. I don't want the world dictating to them who they are. Austin and I read this scripture together at the closing of 2006 and I wanted to share it with you all. You've all heard it before-

Rom. 12:2
" Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Isn't that good? Wow! It's so easy to be sucked into the way the world thinks. But, we are the salt and the light right? We must renew our minds with the word. I want to be right in the middle of God's will for my life always... And how do I make sure I am? By staying in the word, renewing my mind. The bible also says that in his heart man makes his plans, BUT God determines his footsteps. May we all be led by Him in 2007 and make the most of everyday, every minute. Time is so precious. Let's make the most of it for Him.


Here are some pics taken at various Christmas parties we went too over the holidays. We had an awesome Christmas.- Reagan especially! I think she liked opening the presents more than the presents themselves. Everytime she'd open a present she would say, "Oh Thank you! Merry Christmas!" She cried Christmas morning when there were no more presents to open. Can you say "spoiled?" :) And we took our decorations and tree down the day after Christmas and Reagan cried again. She kept asking where the tree was. Austin surprised me with a necklace this year. It is called the "journey" pendant- five diamonds curved in like an "S" shape. He did very well this year with my gift! Thanks honey!!! Austin being the huge David Crowder band fan- I got him some David Crowder guitar cord music and David Crowder's book "Everybody Wants to go to Heaven, But Nobody Wants to Die." It is a very different read but he seems to be enjoying it. I hear him chuckling when he reads it - it must be funny. He said it reminds him of how he and his brother Reid talk back and forth. Reagan's favorite toy is her Super Cycling Sara and Sam. It's a radio controlled girl on a bike pulling her dog behind. Our house is now filled to capacity with Reagan's toys! I had to go through her old toys to make room for the new ones! Sometimes I feel like our house is nothing but a big playroom for her! I don't know what we'll do once Cara Grace starts getting a lot of toys.