Sunday, January 21, 2007

No New is Good News, Right?

Ahh, I was just looking through some old pics on our computer and discovered this one taken of me like a year and a half ago. I am seriously liking my hair that short as it is in the pic- maybe I'll get it cut again soon? What do you all think? Oh, and to be that thin again would be really nice, but hey, I'm working on it! As of Jan. 1st, I officially started my exercise and weight loss program. Which is essentially a low carb diet with an occasional reward day. Which are usually Sundays. A "see-food" diet would be more fun though... ha, ha. You eat everything you see! Someone once told me that it is easier to gain weight than lose it... I'm beginning to think that person is crazy! I have been working really hard for a couple of weeks and have lost 3lbs. Oh well, that's a start. I must say, pregnancy the second time around has just left my body looking not so hot--but!!! Cara Grace is so worth it.

Not much has been going on here, just doing the mommy thing. This morning we all got ready for church- which to those of you who have children, know this can be a difficult task! Reagan woke up too early this morning and was grouchy like an old crab. Well, she likes to have warm milk in her sippy cup while watching cartoons first thing in the morning. So, she told Austin she wanted "cold" milk and to watch t.v. (A little side note, Reagan has the words "hot" and "cold" mixed up.) - The other day I went to check the mail and it was really cold so told Reagan to stay inside. She disobeyed and walked out onto the driveway barefoot and said, "oh! hot! hot! hot!" Pretty funny! :) Anyway, Austin forgot about this and really gave her "cold" milk. Well she threw a fit, so he spanked her and put her back to bed.... After several spankings, Reagan got happy. So, this is how our morning started. Things were going pretty well until we were all about ready to walk out the door and Cara Grace spit up all over her nice Sunday outfit. But, somehow we made it to church on time. Probably b/c I started getting everyone ready at 7 a.m. Church starts at 10:30 a.m! But, hey--Kids, you gotta love 'em!


Jeremy and Morgen said...

Or if you're really lonely, you should just come out and visit me! I like the short hair. I don't have the face for it so I love when others can wear it!

Austin & Lindsay said...

Just say when and I'll come. Austin always says he would like to visit Seattle. Do you remember Cristin? She is moving to the Seattle area soon...

When is you baby due again? How are you feeling? Let me know!

Jeremy and Morgen said...

You guys should come out here! It would be fun! Has Cristin been in Spokane this whole time? I know that's where she is from but didn't know if she went back there. I saw Chris at our conference a while back. I am due Feb 22nd. I feel fine- tired and huge- but fine.