Thursday, February 22, 2007

Reagan's Scissor Adventure

I just discovered today that Reagan has been hiding scissors in her closet for some time now. This morning she wanted me to open something for her and I told her to wait a few minutes and I would. (I was in the middle of changing the baby's diaper.) Well, she came back a few seconds later and said, "Look, I opened it!" So, I got suspicious.... I asked her where she got scissors and where she was hiding scissors. She opened her closet door to reveal a huge mess of things she had cut with her green, kid scissors. So, she had been hiding the scissors in her closet and going in there to cut things throughout the day. I've noticed she been quite content to play on her own the past few days- which is not like her. Some of the things she destroyed with her scissors included: crayons, (chopped into tiny bits in her trash can) ribbon, construction paper, a glue stick (how do you cut up a glue stick?) She also cut open a sample pack of baby shampoo and poured it all over our dog Minnie! And she decided to give her stick pony a mowhawk! And the pony's hair was all in her bedding. Well, at least she didn't think to cut her own hair! Thank God... So, this afternoon I got to vacuum out her bed before her nap. I guess Reagan takes after me b/c my mom said when I was little I used to scalp all of my barbies dolls... :)

Another funny story on Reagan- Last night she wouldn't go to sleep b/c she said there was a bug on her ceiling. ( I know I have made her bug paranoid!) So, Austin went in her room and killed the bug. About 5 min. later she was crying and saying there was another bug. Again, Austin went in her room and looked for a bug but he didn't see anything. So, he told her there were no bugs and to go back to sleep. She kept on and on about "the bug" and wouldn't settle down and go to sleep. Austin finally went in her room and picked her up and held her up to the ceiling and said, "Show me the bug!" Reagan got really upset and said, "No, no! There's a bug!!!" Well, she looked and looked and saw no bug.... So, she said through her tears- "There's no bug!" And then she went right to sleep! Funny stuff!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Morgen said...

That's so funny! I especially love that she put the soap on Minnie! I bet Minnie has become very patient