Thursday, July 12, 2007

Summer Fun

We got the chance over the 4th to get away in a mtn. cabin! It was wonderful! The weather was very nice, only 70 degrees. It was a nice break from the heat. And it was actually a little chilly at night-wow! I didn't get very many pics, as you can see.
Cara Grace is eating more and more "big people" food and baby food. She really likes everything I feed her. Which is a big change from Reagan. Reagan wouldn't eat any veggies or anything greeen. She is not crawling yet-but she is scooting backwards on the floor. This morning she scooted across the kitchen-backward and got stuck under one of our kitchen chairs! It was really funny! She also does not like being confined or held a lot. She wants to be on the go and exploring.
This week at our church we are having VBS. Reagan is having a blast! She gets to go every night this week. She loves hanging out w/ other kids her age and is making new friends.

1 comment:

Jeremy and Morgen said...

YAY!!! I love pictures!!!!