Monday, August 20, 2007

Just Plain Busy- But Happy!

This weekend we had a baby shower for my sister at my mom's new house! She is having a little girl in October. Her name will be Mackenzie Beth Wrenn. My sister looks so great- she hasn't gained a lot of weight with this baby. Unlike me- hee, hee! I think I would've felt a lot better at the end of my pregnancy if I hadn't been as big as a whale! Oh well... such is life I suppose. She was blessed at the shower and received many nice gifts. Katie (Beth's daughter) helped me pick out the babies' gift. I bought the aquarium bathtub on her registry and a big, pink bib that said -"I am NOT a girl!!"-Katie insisted. I really bought that for Chris. He wanted a boy so bad. But, hey, you get what you get! :)
Last Friday our church had it's annual Kid's Fest. We give away over 1,500 bookbags to the children of the community- stuffed with school supplies. Reagan had a blast! There were tons of inflatable games, free haircuts, and a really cool petting zoo. The animals were not very happy however. I think they were all hot and tired of being handled. Reagan enjoyed the rabbits the most. She played on the inflatables until dark and it was time to deflate them. I got to play on them as well. It was so much fun. I think there were about 4,000 people there in all. What a fun time! We are really enjoying our church more and more everyday. I know this is where God wants us to be! I talked w/ our praise and worship pastor and he asked me if I would be interested in playing the keyboard. I would be playing some backup chords and possibly some rhythm as well. I am very excited about this opportunity. It will be so great to be able to play with Austin on the p&w team. It is a big committment, but I would like to give it a try.
This Thursday starts my Fall elem. ed. classes- again. I will be taking Math and Music. This works out really well b/c music will be easy and something I enjoy. Math on the other hand- well, it's just yucky. But, I'll get through it.


Jeremy and Morgen said...

Sounds like fun times for you!!! I think you should join the p&w team. You look great. And Beth looks too good. Darn those people that don't gain weight when they're pregnant :)

Anonymous said...

So excited for your sis...and she does look great! You look beautiful as always!! Your parents new house is beautiful wish we could have seen it when we were there. Oh time huh!?
I bet you will be busy with school coming up now and that great opportunity with your p&w team! How great! Keep posting!!