Monday, February 11, 2008

Yes, were still here!

I know I haven't blogged in almost two months!

I have some new pics of the girls to post. Will post them sometime later this week. We have all been so busy since the first of the year. I am taking yet more classes! I am 25 hrs. away from getting my elementary ed. teaching license. It's been a very slow process. But, I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! I will be doing my student teaching Jan. 2010. It'll be here before I know it! Time flies! Austin is going back to school as well. So, our house is turning into a study hall- after 8 p.m. every night! He will be finished with his bachelors in business mangement next January! Yipee!

I cannot believe Reagan is starting kindergarten this fall!!! She is doing really well. Preschool is so much fun for her. She is growing up and becoming a young lady right before our eyes. She is a big help to me around the house. She helped me cook supper tonight. While we were cooking it she informed me that she was NOT going to eat it. Especially the peas and carrots. Oh, we went all out and made chicken helper. I've never made it before and probably won't again. But, the girls loved it! Cara Grace ate my entire portion- I ended up eating a lean cuisine! She is such a little piggy! So, she ate all my food and two cups of fruit and raisins. She said, "mmm, mmm..." the whole time she was eating. Chicken helper, I've decided, is pretty much junk food. No wonder it was such a hit! :)

Cara Grace is our social butterfly and is into EVERTYTHING! She keeps me on my toes to say the least! If you want your house plundered and destroyed in two seconds flat, call me! I'll send her right over! Whenever we go out, she has to say "HI!" to everyone.- especially old people. They just love it!

I am going to be in our church's Easter play again this yr! I can't wait... it is such a wonderful production! I wil take some pics of me in my Jerusalem attire.

Well, I promise to post more often and with many pics soon! Love you all~


David Wegley said...

Yeah, you better post! =)

Matt and Cristin said...

FINALLY!!! :) I'm just kidding! But it is great to hear from you again! Glad things are going well for you guys!

Anonymous said...

Awe, it is so good to hear, and see you post again!! Believe me, I know how hard it is sometimes to keep up with it all!

Anonymous said...

P.S. That was me, Em!!!