Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Reagan's Dream

This is the imovie we made for one of my elementary ed. classes. We filmed it in Reagan's room... She thought that was pretty cool. And she like me playing the "kitty!" Shooting this imovie was so funny, we had a blast!

different kinds of columbines

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more for my parents

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Promised pics of some more yard stuff.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just stressed!

O.K. there is a lot going on right now, but I only have one more week of class!!! I am so excited to have a summer break! I started working at the Blue Moose last week. It is going good, but adding to my stress at this point.

So, I am inching my way closer to that piece of paper that will allow me to teach!!! Reagan is counting down the days until she starts Hudson Elementary this fall...

This morning my Literacy and Technology group filmed an imovie at my house. We were acting out a fairytale type story. It was hilarious! I will post a link for the imovie. We are going to download it on youtube later this week. I also took some pictures of our costumes. I was a kitten.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just in the mood........to Blog!

OK, so I guess I am just wanting to blog alot this week. It's been way too long since I've blogged. I joined a gym this week and I am loving it! I took a kickboxing class tonight and it was hard but fun. I have missed exercising so much. It really helps me in so many ways- both physically and emotionally. I have been going in the evenings, so now I have lots of nighttime energy... this can be good and bad!

Thursday night I will start working p/t at the Blue Moose Coffee Lodge. It is a little drive thru coffee shop here in town. So, that'll be great. I get a 40% discount on my coffee and free coffee when I work. So, hey- I'm already saving money. And now I'll get paid to do what I love! I will only be working about 10 nights a month. But, that is enough for me right now.

I am getting ready to finish up yet another semester of my teaching courses. Only three more semesters to go after this one. I think I need around 25 for credit hours. I will be doing my student teaching block spring of 2010. That sounds so far away, but it'll be here before we know it!

Good Lord, I'm going to be 32 in a few short weeks! AHHHH! Austin is taking me on a surprise getaway next weekend to celebrate. Can't wait! I will post pics of our trip. Hope everyone is doing well. Will post pics soon!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Austin's Herb Garden

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Shanda's Baby Shower

A friend of mine at church had her beautiful little girl last Tuesday. - Alyia Grace. Congrats to the Postons!!! I love planning parties, especially baby showers! Oh, and it sure was fun b/c we got to decorate everything in PINK! Everything was so cute! I put confetti on the cake and punch tables. I wasn't thinking b/c there were like a gazillion little pieces of confetti all over the floor after the shower. The kids loved it! Cara Grace tried to eat it! I'll remember this next time.
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Funny Observation

Ways Dogs and Babies are Alike-

1. They both don't mind eating anything off the floor

2. Both beg for food, especially "treats"

3. They will compete for food- with each other!

4. Neither one can use a toilet, however a babies' foulness can be contained to a diaper

5. Both are fascinated with the toilet- this involves playing and drinking

6. Babies love dog toys and dogs love baby toys. I think manufacturers just got together and made a big pile of toys, all the same and then just labeled seperately. One goes to the pet store, one goes to Babies R Us!

7. Both live for naps

8. Dog beds are hours of fun for both babies and dogs

9. Both sleep in cages

10. Both are loud at the most inopportune times!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our Pretty Yard

So it's officially spring and that means yard work! Austin has been working his tail off in the yard all weekend. -but our yard looks so amazing!! It is raining a lot more now and our grass is very green. We were able to mulch all of our flower beds and pot several plants around the front of the house. I love gerraniums and we have plenty of those this yr~ So, we've had a productive weekend. Austin said that he was sore from his calves all the way up to his neck. Now, I just hope it will not freeze at night and we can move on into May w/o any of the plants dying! Happy Spring Everyone!

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Reagan's Big Night...

Last Tuesday, we took Reagan for her kindergarten screening at her new school. She will start this fall! She did so great on all of her assessments and she LOVES her new school. She is adament about wanting to ride the bus this fall. I told her we would talk about it. She said, "The bus will come to my house, the bus driver will open the door, and I will go pick a seat!" Why are buses so cool to little kids??? I don't want my baby riding the bus! I can't believe she is starting school soon... time flies. I told Reagan that she shouldn't grow up so quick and to stay my little girl! She said, "But mom, I gotta grow up... I've got Jesus in me you know!"

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