Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just in the mood........to Blog!

OK, so I guess I am just wanting to blog alot this week. It's been way too long since I've blogged. I joined a gym this week and I am loving it! I took a kickboxing class tonight and it was hard but fun. I have missed exercising so much. It really helps me in so many ways- both physically and emotionally. I have been going in the evenings, so now I have lots of nighttime energy... this can be good and bad!

Thursday night I will start working p/t at the Blue Moose Coffee Lodge. It is a little drive thru coffee shop here in town. So, that'll be great. I get a 40% discount on my coffee and free coffee when I work. So, hey- I'm already saving money. And now I'll get paid to do what I love! I will only be working about 10 nights a month. But, that is enough for me right now.

I am getting ready to finish up yet another semester of my teaching courses. Only three more semesters to go after this one. I think I need around 25 for credit hours. I will be doing my student teaching block spring of 2010. That sounds so far away, but it'll be here before we know it!

Good Lord, I'm going to be 32 in a few short weeks! AHHHH! Austin is taking me on a surprise getaway next weekend to celebrate. Can't wait! I will post pics of our trip. Hope everyone is doing well. Will post pics soon!

1 comment:

Matt and Cristin said...

WOW! I've been checking your blog FREQUENTLY....and all of a sudden! Wowsa! :) Glad to see updates...I love gardening, etc. It is so much fun and the results are pretty! Your new job will be fun I'm sure. I miss being a barista. Good job on working out! Matt and I just got some bikes this weekend and have taken a few bike rides already! I love it! It feels good to get some exercise! :)