Thursday, May 22, 2008

Animal Field Trip Day

Cara Grace and I on the hay ride at the fair. Reagan's class took a field trip last week. We got to see lots of farm animals. Cara Grace is such a big girl. She wanted to do everything the kids did. She wanted to pet all the animals and wasn't afraid one bit!
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Reagan's Preschool Pics

Tomorrow is Reagan's last day of preschool. Her teachers gave each child a cd of all the pics they had taken over the year. Reagan also made a book of different pics and artwork she had worked on throughout the year. It is such a great book, it'll be a wonderful thing to keep and look back on over the years. I must say that Reagan has learned so much since September. She is a different girl. And she is ready for big school now. Today I brought pizza and cupcakes for her class. We celebrated her birthday early. Summer birthdays aren't usually celebrated during the school yr. Reagan's class has had a b-day party everyday this week. - all the summer birthdays= lots of sugar!!! Too much sugar! I will miss her teachers Mrs. Lisa and Mrs. Brenda. They have done a wonderful job this yr. But, we are looking on now to bigger and better things, like KINDERGARTEN!! Waa-hoo!

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Sunday, May 18, 2008


Austin got two free tickets to the race last night in Charlotte. We were able to watch the race in a vip suite w/ all you can eat and drink. (we stuck to water... ha, ha. ) We also got a pit tour. We had a lot of fun. We didn't get home until the wee hours of the morning. Kasey Cain won the race. The cars went an average speed of 175 mph! There were over 100,000 people at the race. We were hoping to leave a little early to beat all the traffic, but our car was too far away. We ended up waiting in a standstill traffic line for almost 2 hrs. I took some pics that I'll be posting soon. Pics cannot show how big of an event it really was. I've never seen so many people at a sporting event in all my life! Too many shirtless rednecks to count! I've come to the conclusion that you're not a true southerner until you've been to a nascar race and felt the excitment with all those engines crank up. It's very cool, like nothing else!

Reagan is graduating from preschool Tuesday night. She will be having three birthday parties this yr! One at her school, one w/ her friends at Hickory Dickory Dock, and I pool party next Sunday w/ family. I hope it's not too chilly. It's been a cool May this yr.