Friday, June 27, 2008

Beach Trip

We went to North Myrtle Beach this week. The weather was great! Mid 80's and so nice! And, it actually rains there... Ha, ha! The girls had so much fun. Cara Grace is quite the adventurer... She had a blast at the water park near our hotel. She wanted to play like to big kids- she has no fear. She is very different than Reagan. She reminds me of Curious George the monkey! Austin and I got to see two movies! We don't get to go to the movies very often. My hair wanted to curl w/ the humidity, so I let it. C.G. and I both were sporting our curls. My hair is made for humidity, I think. I ran on the beach w/ my sister and nephew. I discovered how slow I've been jogging, they wore me out! Kendal was running circles around me. He has sooo much energy! It was great to spend some time w/ my sister's family. We don't get to see them as often as we would like.

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