Sunday, May 21, 2006

Dora Live

This weekend Reagan and I went to go see Dora's Pirate Adventure in Charlotte. We went with my friend Angie and her little girl Hannah. This little outing has been planned for quite some time- so we were very excited to go! This was a live performance. It was like a real-live Dora episode on stage. Reagan sat very still and didn't move a muscle during the show. I think she really enjoyed it! When the show was over she said, "Bye Dora, bye Boots, bye video!" I guess she thought she was watching a Dora video! We had a great time and enjoyed walking around downtown Charlotte. It is so pretty! We ate lunch at a cool place called Fuel Pizza. I think they make the biggest slices of pizza I've ever seen!

Things here are busy but good! I go back to the doctor tomorrow for a check-up. I am now sixteen weeks along and feeling pretty good. We will find out what the baby is sometime in June! And we are taking our family beach trip in a few weeks! We are looking forward to getting away!

Roses, Roses!

Here are some pics of the rose bushes Austin planted in a bed in our backyard. They are so beautiful this week. We have some peach, bright pink and pale pink ones. I believe these bushes were in the ground when we moved into our house. The previous owners had planted them. Austin has added a few to the bed to make a semi-circle ring of roses. This year they are just so vibrant and pretty! We just wanted to share these pics. We also have an herb garden this year. It is towards the back of the house. Austin has planted fennel, dill, rosemary, cilantro, spearment, chives, chamomile, and thyme. We also have some tomatoes and green beans coming up. Yummy! I can't wait to make my own homemade salsa with our cilantro in it! I need to make it soon! So, it's been fun watching all of the herbs grow. It has been so dry here lately, our yard is starting to look a little brown. Hopefully we'll get some rain soon. This year has been drier then normal.

We are also getting Reagan a redwood play fort with swingset for her third birthday. Austin is getting a really great deal on one from work! She will be sooo excited! She loves to play on the ones at the park. She likes to look at the catalog we have of the different play sets made by this company. She says, "Play toy? O.K!" So, she's excited!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Trixs are for kids, you silly Wabbit!

Last week, my mom brought up a few "treats" for Reagan... One of which included a box of Trix cereal. I can't believe my mom bought these being the health nut she is. I don't know if you all have seen the new Post's cereals that advertise "75% less sugar and made with whole grain." Well, I tasted this new and improved Trix and it tasted kind of like it had an artifical sweetner in it. So, we looked closer at the box and at the bottom in small print it states, "Contains Splenda." Ah-ha! I've heard mixed things about splenda. I don't know what to think about it. Is it bad or is it good? Who knows... anyway, we gave Reagan some Trix for breakfast Sunday morning before church. I told Austin before I gave it to her that she would soon be ruined from healthy cereals from here on out. She was laughing and giggling the whole time she was eating it. I asked her if she liked Trix and she said, "Yes, I like wabbit ceweal!" So, now every morning, she asks for her "Wabbit Ceweal." We are almost through the box and when it's gone- it's gone!

Last night I had to run out and finish cleaning my dad's office. We usually try and clean it over the weekend, but Austin had a company picnic we went to Sunday evening, so we didn't get it finished. The compnay picnic was a lot of fun! I was good to meet the people Austin works with and put a face to the names he is always talking about. With some of the stories he tells me, you'd think some of the people were ogres! :) But, they're pretty normal looking. Anyway, I had left Austin to heat up some tacos we had eaten earlier for his supper. When I got home, I was greeted with five black and crispy taco shells out on our front porch and I thought, oh no... The whole house smelled of burned taco shells. Austin thought most of the smell was out and it was starting to smell much better- wrong! So, needless to say, I was up most of the night with a headache from "the smell!" Pregnant women are very sensitive to smells. He had tried to air the house out while I was gone. He opened all the windows and doors. It's been pretty chilly here lately. So, Reagan was running around the house saying, "Daddy, it's cold and I have a headache!!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Birthday Pics!

The top picture is of my edible birthday card I received in the mail from Emily and Mandie! Thanks guys! I have never gotten an edible card. It tasted really good. Austin and I ate the whole thing after dinner Friday night! Yummy!!! Emily, I couldn't get a good close-up picture of it. You can't really make out what it says...But, I thought it was great! Were the three girls in the picture suppose to be us? Wow, we're skinny!! I don't even look pregnant! Ha! If anyone is interested in giving someone an edible greeting card, go to (Edibles, They have a card for every occasion.

The pictures below were taken at my birthday dinner celebration. We went to Makoto's. It's a Japanese steak house where your meal is cooked in front of you. The food is wonderful! For my birthday I got a brownie dessert and serenaded by some stranger. Very embarrasing! But, the guy had an amazing voice! Reagan was afraid of the chef and covered her eyes a lot! It was cute. The last picture is of my friend Kami and I. We just recently became friends. We were in our church Easter play together. I am really glad we've become friends... Love ya girl! :) Thanks for celebrating with me on my b-day!

So, I survived my 30th birthday! I didn't want a big celebration. I wanted it to come and go quietly! Things here are good. I am getting a break from school for the next couple of weeks. Starting May 23rd I will be taking a math class that lasts five weeks. I will then be taking the fall semester off b/c of the baby. I hope to resume classes in the Spring of '07, but we'll see... I am definately on my way to becoming an elementary school teacher! And I am very excited about that!! I have enjoyed my classes so much. School is different this time around. I'm older and more concentrated and teaching is really what I want to do- so it makes the classes fun.
Well enough of my ramblings... until next time!