Sunday, May 21, 2006

Dora Live

This weekend Reagan and I went to go see Dora's Pirate Adventure in Charlotte. We went with my friend Angie and her little girl Hannah. This little outing has been planned for quite some time- so we were very excited to go! This was a live performance. It was like a real-live Dora episode on stage. Reagan sat very still and didn't move a muscle during the show. I think she really enjoyed it! When the show was over she said, "Bye Dora, bye Boots, bye video!" I guess she thought she was watching a Dora video! We had a great time and enjoyed walking around downtown Charlotte. It is so pretty! We ate lunch at a cool place called Fuel Pizza. I think they make the biggest slices of pizza I've ever seen!

Things here are busy but good! I go back to the doctor tomorrow for a check-up. I am now sixteen weeks along and feeling pretty good. We will find out what the baby is sometime in June! And we are taking our family beach trip in a few weeks! We are looking forward to getting away!


Jeremy and Morgen said...

Looks like lots of fun! Love the pictures of your roses, too! I'm sure Reagan will have such a great birthday with her new playset!!! Miss you guys :(

Anonymous said...

Sorry Linz, I am just now getting around to commenting! That is so cute what Reagan said about the Dora show! Can't wait to find out who your little babe is going to be! Have tons of fun at the beach! Austin did a great job with the roses. I would love for him to come spruce up our yard. Herb garden sounds great! Salsa please!! Sorry, I am's late! Ha! Miss you. Happy Birthday Reagan...enjoy your new outside fun!