Sunday, May 21, 2006

Roses, Roses!

Here are some pics of the rose bushes Austin planted in a bed in our backyard. They are so beautiful this week. We have some peach, bright pink and pale pink ones. I believe these bushes were in the ground when we moved into our house. The previous owners had planted them. Austin has added a few to the bed to make a semi-circle ring of roses. This year they are just so vibrant and pretty! We just wanted to share these pics. We also have an herb garden this year. It is towards the back of the house. Austin has planted fennel, dill, rosemary, cilantro, spearment, chives, chamomile, and thyme. We also have some tomatoes and green beans coming up. Yummy! I can't wait to make my own homemade salsa with our cilantro in it! I need to make it soon! So, it's been fun watching all of the herbs grow. It has been so dry here lately, our yard is starting to look a little brown. Hopefully we'll get some rain soon. This year has been drier then normal.

We are also getting Reagan a redwood play fort with swingset for her third birthday. Austin is getting a really great deal on one from work! She will be sooo excited! She loves to play on the ones at the park. She likes to look at the catalog we have of the different play sets made by this company. She says, "Play toy? O.K!" So, she's excited!

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