Monday, June 26, 2006

Mommy, Eat Your Corn!

Reagan is a major corn lover! Especially corn on the cob. She likes to eat it on the cob and gets upset when you cut it off for her. I've learned my lesson with that! :) The other night I decided to buy some fresh corn on the cob at the grocery store and cooked it up for dinner. Well, Reagan only ate her corn, nothing else on her plate. But, she ate the whole ear- it was pretty large. And she wanted me to eat my corn at the same time as her. It was cute- she'd say, "Mommy, eat your corn!" When I started to eat something else on my plate. I had to make a trip to the bathroom being as the baby feels like she's sitting right on my bladder at all times!! Reagan said, "Where are you going Mommy? Sit down and eat your corn!" It was a fun dinner night, one to remember!

Last Saturday night we had a nice summer vegetable dinner- homegrown from our garden! Yummy! We picked enough green beans to make a big pot full and we had tomatoes. Garden tomatoes are SO much better than store bought! It was great! Our tomato plants are huge and loaded down with tomatoes. We will have a ton in a couple of weeks. I love gardening! Next year, we've decided to buy a tiller and have a big garden. I am dreaming of home grown cucumbers, corn, lettuce, squash, watermelon..... we'll what can I say, I'm loving food right now! I'm pregnant- it's goes with the territory! Reagan loves to help in the garden as well. She would make such a cute little farm girl!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Morgen said...

I'm so jealous! I love fresh, home-grown veggies! And they are so much better than store bought. I have yet to keep any of my plants alive, much less a garden :(
I think it might be a preschooler thing because Chloe can eat tons of corn like Reagan.