Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Reagan's 3rd B-Day!

Reagan and Austin- the two cake lovers of the family! I don't know which one enjoys it more!

We got Reagan a Madagascar birthday cake. It was really neat! She especially liked the animal figurines and palm trees on the cake. She is still playing with the animals. She is such an animal lover! Her cousin Katie offered to lick all the icing off the figurines. - and she had fun doing it! Thanks Katie! :) Reagan enjoyed blowing out her candles. She is really into the "Happy Birthday" song since her birthday. We were out to eat the other day and it was someone's b-day and the waiters sang the song and Reagan was thrilled! I often catch her singing it around the house too. So cute!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Morgen said...

Happy Birthday Reagan! I love her cake- we actually are watching Madagascar as I am typing this :) Can you believe how fast they grow? I just want them to stay little forever.