Sunday, July 16, 2006

Our visit with the Phillips

Here are some pics of our visit with Austin's parents Tim and Charmaine and his brother Mark. While they were here, Mark and Tim helped Austin put together Reagan's new play fort. It turned out to be quite a job! It was very hot outside the day they put it together so they were all tired that evening. Reagan is thrilled with her new play set and we spend a lot ot time outside now on the swings- her favorite! Everyday I push her on the swings for about 30 minutes and then we go and check on the garden and pick ripe tomatoes and green beans. Our tomato plant is producing so many tomatoes all at once- I've had to give some away! It has been a very dry summer this year, but we finally got some rain on Friday. Minnie is afraid of thunderstorms! She starts shaking and panting and stays right under my feet!

We had so much fun with Austin's family and wish we could see them more often! We are looking forward to their visit in November when they will come out to meet our newest addition- Cara Grace!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had alot of fun! I bet Reagan loves her new play area. I'm jealous of your home grown tomatoes and green beans!!! They sound so's so dry here I think they would just shrivel up if we tried to grow any!! ha ha
I love the name you guys decided on...Cara Grace. It is so pretty! Hope to get to meet her when she arrives!

Austin & Lindsay said...

Come out and see me when the baby's born!!!:) Miss you so much!