Sunday, August 06, 2006

Belly Getting Bigger

Yes, I know it looks like I'm ready to have this little girl- but, I have 12 weeks left! My belly will be huge by then. A lady at church today said I look like I could go anytime. Ha! She ain't seen nothin' yet! Little Cara's kicks and wiggles are getting a little uncomfortable at times. And I find myself roaming the hall at night- eating snacks and trying to find a comfortable place to sleep. The couch seems to be the best place for me to fall asleep lately. I saw a six week old baby at church today and thought "How will I know what to do again?" I guess motherhood is just like riding a bicycle. You never forget and your mothering instincts come right back.

Austin's hours at work have changed a bit. He is now going into work at 3 or 4 a.m. and getting off much earlier. He is usually home by 3p.m. Which is great!! We get to see more of each other now. I am very excited about this b/c when the baby gets here he'll be at home earlier. Before this shift change he didn't get home a lot of times until 7 or 8p.m. So, this is much better! He had a meeting with the owner of the company last Friday and John Clark had some really awesome things to say about Austin. We are proud of you honey!!! You do a wonderful job!

But, no other news to report right now.... things are good! Reagan is ready to see what her sister is going to look like and so are we. I don't think she quite understands what "little sister" means b/c the other day she said Minnie (our dog) was her little sister!


Jeremy and Morgen said...

Oh, you're so adorable!! I am ready to look pregnant and stop just looking bloated! I love the picture. You should post tons more :)

Anonymous said...

You are all belly Linz! You look so cute!! I more pics!!!

Anonymous said...

Lindsay, I love it. What a great picture.

We are proud of you, Austin, and are glad Mr. Clark notices how valuable you are to him.

Reagan is just beginning to have fun. I can just imagine going through the baby 'stuff'. Wait until little Cara arrives--it will be fun and funny!