Sunday, November 12, 2006

More Baby Pics

Just some more pics of our little Cara Grace! I had forgotten how much work a newborn can be. Cara Grace is a good baby and sleeps most of the time still. But, it is still a lot of work! Especially when I have a three year old to look after as well. We all had a good weekend together. Austin is a huge help when he's home. The baby kept us both up most of the night last night. So, I took like three naps today to catch up. She seems to have her days and nights mixed up a bit. Hopefully that will change. Babies change
so quickly! I want to cherish every moment and every day with
b/c I know before I blink she'll be three like Reagan is. Reagan
was very fussy and difficult as an infant. I look at her now and
think, "Wow, things have sure changed!" No matter how much
work babies can be I look at Reagan and think it is definately all
worth it!!!!


Anonymous said...

Awe, sooo precious!! She is such a doll, and Reagan looks so sweet holding her little sis! Yes, they sure can be a handful, but its amazing how it doesn't seem to matter...even when you're exhausted! And then, when they look at you with those big blue eyes and smile, wow, I just melt!! How I love my boy! Thanks for more pics...I will never tire of seeing them! Wow, Katie sure is growing up. Get some rest!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that everyone in my office thinks my granddaughters are beautiful! Of course we are so proud of Reagan and Cara and you, their wonderful parents! We are too excited about coming to see you. I've had the stuff out to pack in the suitcase for days now!

Jeremy and Morgen said...

So precious!!