Sunday, December 03, 2006

December 3rd

Our sleepy little girl! Cara Grace is like most normal babies... she likes to eat and sleep- a lot!
This week however, she has been more alert and awake. Today she woke up at 8a.m. and didn't really take a long nap until 2 p.m! But, since then she's been sleeping up a storm. We finally went back to church today for the first time in a month. It was so good to see everyone again! I forgot how much I enjoy seeing everyone and hearing Pastor Keith's sermons. As we expected, most people were excited to see our new addition! And the praise team is missing Austin terribly. They haven't really had a bass player for a month. So, I think Austin is going to start playing again next week. The praise team gave us a really nice card along with a $50 gift! They told us to go out and treat ourselves... we are very thankful! We belong to such a wonderful body of believers! Thanks guys!!!

Cara Grace is pretty fussy at night- usually from about 7-10 p.m. see cries very regularly. But, we have discovered that if we put her in our infant carrier and walk around the house- she falls asleep and stops crying. I had the baby in the carrier at the dinner table on Tues. night trying to get a bit to eat. She had fallen asleep. I was eating a salad and accidently dropped a piece of lettuce with dressing on her head! But, she slept right threw it! It was pretty funny! The other night Austin wore the carrier for about an hour while standing up and bouncing. He said his knees were killing him. I was quite enjoying the break however! Needless to say we've been watching a lot of tv and movies at night while we rock and pat Cara Grace.

Tomorrow we go back to the doc. for her one month check-up. I can't believe she is already a month old. Time goes by so quickly. Before we know it, she'll be up and getting into everything. I am sure she has gained weight. It will be interesting to see just how much.

Reagan is adjusting to having her new sister around. Although, sometimes she is a little jealous and gets tired of hearing her cry. One morning I was bathing the baby in the kitchen and she was throwing a major cry tantrum like she always does and after a couple of minutes of non-stop screaming Reagan yells from the living room -"Help Me!!!!" I thought my sentiments exactly!! Another time when Cara Grace was upset in her swing Reagan was sitting at the kitchen table and took the baby's pacifier off the table and purposefully threw it in the floor! So, we have had numerous "talks" about why babies cry and how we deal with it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awe, how sweet! Glad you are able to get back into the swing of takes awhile sometimes! Enjoy every you know they grow so fast!