Thursday, December 07, 2006

Fun Times with our girls..

Today my mom and I took the girls to Kid Shots to get their Christmas pictures made. I love Kid Shots! They do such a great job at getting Reagan to smile and they have the best props. Reagan got to hold Cara Grace and they looked so sweet together. It was funny to watch the photographer. Reagan kept looking back and my mom and I and the photographer had a hard time getting her to look at the camera. So, she had to keep saying, "Reagan, look at me!" And when she wasn't trying to get Reagan to look at the camera, she was trying to keep Cara Grace's head from bobbing. But, the pictures turned out great! I can't wait to get them back!

I finally got to make it down to Babies R Us today. I love that store! I bought a book that I think will help us get the baby to sleep through the night. It's called "Baby Wise." I've read about half of it already and I think it has some really good ideas. I wish I would have know about this book four weeks ago. I would highly recommend this book to any new mom! It talks about putting your baby on a three hour schedule. The baby starts this three hours by eating, then they have an awake period, followed by a nap. Supposidly if you repeat this schedule throughout the day, your baby will soon sleep through the night. We shall see...

Tonight Austin and I discovered another way to ease Cara Grace's crying during her nightly "fussy times." - the vacuum cleaner! I fed her 2 1/2 hr. after her last feeding and she was still really fussy. So I tried rocking, bouncing, her swing, and pacifier. None of these things were working and she was still screaming. So, I've heard the vacuum cleaner works to calm down some fussy babies. I put her in her swing with her paci and turned on the vacuum. Sure enough she fell right to sleep. The only problem is when you turn the vaccum off, she wakes up! So, I am writing this blog while listening to our vacuum cleaner! Hey, at least we'll have the cleanest wood floors around! :)


Jeremy and Morgen said...

I swear by Baby Wise! I read it right before I had Chloe and followed most of it- we just don't have a lifestyle that allows for strict scheduling. She was sleeping 7-8 hrs at night by 6 weeks. And the principles helped with getting her to fall asleep on her own. I thought I told you about it- sorry if I didn't!

Anonymous said...

I heard about Baby Wise, however, for some reason I didn't think to use it when Ian came along. He is 1 and still doesn't sleep through the night! Help!!! Just kidding, I know he will eventually.
Can't wait to see the pictures of the girls!!

Austin & Lindsay said...

Baby Wise really works!!! Last night she slept 6 hrs. straight! This is compared to the 3hrs. she was sleeping only two nights before! It's amazing!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm so jealous! Just kidding!!! That really is great...I will remember that for the next one! Baby Wise it is! So happy for you!! I really know how much us Moms need sleep!