Thursday, December 07, 2006

Reagan's Boyfriend

As most of you know, Reagan started preschool this fall. She goes to First Baptist three mornings a week. There is a lady I am friends with whose grandson Ryan is in Reagan's class. I haven't been taking or picking Reagan up for about a month due to my surgery. Well, I went and picked her up on Monday and Ryan's grandmother told me that Ryan likes Reagan and talks about her non-stop. She said she saw them on the playground hugging. Some other kids were standing around Reagan on the playground and Ryan came over and pushed them all away and gave Reagan a big hug and she hugged him back. On Monday Ryan must have asked Reagan if she was going to McDonald's after preschool and she said yes. Well, I heard Ryan ask his grandmother if they could go to McDonald's. We went through the drive -thru and they went in to eat. Ryan's grandmother told me Wednesday that he was looking all over for Reagan. His grandmother said we must have changed our minds and maybe gone to Wendy's instead. He said, "Well then, let's go to Wendy's!" Wow! He's pretty persistant! And he's THREE!! I told Austin about Ryan liking Reagan and he said, "What? She's 3 1/2! And she can hardly talk! - How can she have a boyfriend!" Austin says when the girls get to be teenagers he will own many guns and polish them when their dates come over to the house!


Jeremy and Morgen said...

Jeremy already has his collection of guns! He and Butcher plan on cleaning them when Chloe's dates come to pick her up. And he wants to get her a necklace and put a shell on it that she has to wear on her dates as a reminder to both of them that Daddy does know how to use his guns!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! You and Austin have your hands full! Seems like it starts earlier and earlier! I will make sure to tell Ian not to hit on a girl until he is at least in kindergarten!! Ha!