Friday, December 22, 2006

Trying Times of Motherhood

Oh, it's so much fun with two! HA! HA! Last night I got up with Cara Grace at 1 a.m and Reagan has decided to get up at 6 a.m. for the past two mornings. At nap time today, I decided to lay down with Reagan to catch a quick snooze. Just as I was falling asleep, she said, "O.K. mommy, you can leave now!" So, I thought, forget sleep, I'll just make a latte instead. Well, just as Reagan was getting into her nap Cara Grace decides to wake up and cry at the top of her lungs which in turn woke Reagan up! Ahhhhh! Maybe one of these days I'll be able to get them on the same napping schedule in the afternoons. Probably by that time Reagan won't be napping at all. So, after I calmed the baby down by feeding her, she spit up about half of her bottle right down my shirt and into my bra. That was such a nice feeling... So, today's been one of those days...

But, I did watch I really great movie the other night. It's called "Finding Neverland." - starring Johnnie Depp and Kate Winslet. At first I didn't think I'd like it but it turned out to be really good! I recommend anyone who hasn't seen it- to see it! It's not a new release, I think it came out in 2004. The music in the movie is beautiful and the it has a great story line. (But, it will never top "Walk the Line." I love that movie!) Supposidly it's based on a true story - of how the play Peter Pan came about. Reagan on the other hand is about to wear out the movie "Chicken Little." She has it memorized! Anyways, enough of my ramblings... Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Morgen said...

I will probably be asking for your help once I have two and don't know what to do! I was laughing over the nap vs. latte and thought I would probably choose the latte, too! I loved Neverland! I still haven't seen Walk the Line, though. Someday.... Hope you guys have a great Christmas. I sent you a card, but late, of course! Love you guys!