Monday, January 01, 2007


Here are some pics taken at various Christmas parties we went too over the holidays. We had an awesome Christmas.- Reagan especially! I think she liked opening the presents more than the presents themselves. Everytime she'd open a present she would say, "Oh Thank you! Merry Christmas!" She cried Christmas morning when there were no more presents to open. Can you say "spoiled?" :) And we took our decorations and tree down the day after Christmas and Reagan cried again. She kept asking where the tree was. Austin surprised me with a necklace this year. It is called the "journey" pendant- five diamonds curved in like an "S" shape. He did very well this year with my gift! Thanks honey!!! Austin being the huge David Crowder band fan- I got him some David Crowder guitar cord music and David Crowder's book "Everybody Wants to go to Heaven, But Nobody Wants to Die." It is a very different read but he seems to be enjoying it. I hear him chuckling when he reads it - it must be funny. He said it reminds him of how he and his brother Reid talk back and forth. Reagan's favorite toy is her Super Cycling Sara and Sam. It's a radio controlled girl on a bike pulling her dog behind. Our house is now filled to capacity with Reagan's toys! I had to go through her old toys to make room for the new ones! Sometimes I feel like our house is nothing but a big playroom for her! I don't know what we'll do once Cara Grace starts getting a lot of toys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Phillips family! Looks like you had a great one! The girls look so cute! We had a nice Christmas as well with all my family here. Enjoy the new year! We have so many things to be thankful for and enjoy!