Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Lots to say...

Well, as usual it's been too long since my last post! Oh well, here goes....
Lately Reagan has become quite the daddy's girl. I guess since little Cara Grace has come along, I haven't had an over abundance of time with her. So, it's daddy to the rescue!!! A couple of weeks ago I had a lot of errand running to do several nights in a row. This left Reagan alone with her Austin for some "daddy/daugher" time. Since that week, she has been attached to her daddy. Now when she's tired and cranky she asks for her daddy! What? I couldn't believe it! But, I'm glad that she is developing a closer bond with him. Last night, Austin gave Reagan a bath. After her bath we sit her in the sink to dry her hair. I was out in the kitchen finishing up some dishes. It seemed like they were taking longer than usual and I didn't her anything. So, I went in the bathroom to check on them. I couldn't believe what I saw... Austin had my little spiral curling iron our making little tendril curls all over Reagans head. And she was loving it!!! I had to laugh! Austin was getting in tune with his femine side. But, I love it!!! He is such a great dad. He even paints Reagan's finger nails too!

Also, last weekend we FINALLY broke Reagan of her paci. I know what you all are saying...."Just now?" Yes, unfortunately she had been using it at night and naptimes. So, this past Friday we said enough! The first night for Reagan was very hard. She was like a druggy going through detox! She cried for about two hours and then fell asleep only to wake up a few hours later. I ended up sleeping in her bed that night. I guess for moral support. So, now, almost a week later she is doing much better! Last Saturday morn. I took our all of her pacis and Reagan and I cut the ends of them off. She was very sad but understood... (I think...)

Not much to report about Cara Grace. She is doing so well! She is eating like a little chow hound and sleeping very well. She is still getting up once a night to eat, but then will sleep until 9 a.m. So, I can't complain too much. She was 4 mo. old as of March 1st. I can't believe how fast the time goes! Cara Grace loves to smile and smiles all the time! She is a very content baby! She is also laughing now and is very ticklish. And she is starting to get better and better about riding in the car. She loves, loves, loves watching her mobile in her crib. She squeals very loud while watching it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is too funny (about curling her hair)...and so sweet at the same time! I'm sure Austin loves that you shared it with everyone! Ha! What a great daddy! Glad things are going well. Cara Grace is a good sleeper...and only 4 months old! So happy she is taking better to riding in her carseat now! They grow so fast!
Love ya!