Friday, March 23, 2007

Spring is in the Air!!!

Hope you all enjoy the variety of pics. The pictures I post have no theme b/c I wait so long to post, so here they are...OMG Reagan has been saying some funny things here lately- thought I would share them with you all. I made homemade spaghetti sauce the other night and Reagan really liked it... when she was eating she said, "Mommy, this is delicious!" And we had sweet tea with our supper (Reagan's favorite, although we don't let her drink it very much.) This tea was especially sweet and she drank it and said, "mmm, mmm, mmm!" A true Southern Girl! My spaghetti sauce had chunks of mushrooms and green peppers in it. (Austin and Reagan aren't big fans of chunky sauce, but I love it!) So, Reagan came across a green pepper and said, "Mommy, what is this?" I told her what it was and she said, "Well, let's just put it over here..." and she slide it to the side of her plate! Like Father like daughter I suppose! :) Yesterday we had to take Cara Grace to the doctor- she somehow got pink eye. Who knows where... anyway, on our way I thought it would be nice to go to Starbuck's drive through. I got my change purse out and started counting my change to see if I had enough $ for a latte. Reagan said, "Mommy, whatcha doing? Counting your change for coffee?" She knows me too well and she's super observant! Oh and when we go through any drive through now, she always wants me to roll her window down so she can place "her order..." Yesterday when we were getting Cara Grace's eye drop prescription filled there was a local "redneck" in line behind us. (We were at the drive thru window. Which can be slow.) Well, the guy behind us was getting really impatient and finally squealed tires and went in to get his prescription filled. When he drove by us he was yelling cuss words. I thought what an idiot! A grown man getting mad for having to wait 5 minutes in line....Well, I told Reagan that we are surrounded by white trash living in Hudson. She said, "White Trash?" "White Trash, White Trash." I started laughing and she said, "That's funny! Mommy, is Daddy going to take out the White Trash!!!" LOL!! I love it! So, Reagan has been quite the character lately! She makes me laugh!
Everybody else is doing great! The weather here has gotten really warm, I love it! It's suppose to get into the 80's this weekend, wow! So, we will be playing in the yard a lot tomorrow. Soon it will be garden time- I can't wait! This year, I want to plant cucumber in addition to our usuals. So, until next time....


Jeremy and Morgen said...

Reagan is funny! I am 100% jealous of your weather. I won't be titling a post "Spring time" until about July!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute!! Your gals are so cute! I wish I could hang out with Reagan sometimes! Of course, you too! But she is so funny sometimes!
I'm thankful that our temps cooled off for a bit before it really gets hot! I love our weather right now...about 75 degrees and rainy! We hardly ever get rain so it is soooo nice!