Sunday, April 01, 2007


Reagan has been interested in getting her ears pierced for quite some time now...I'm sure she has overheard me talking about getting Cara Grace's ears pierced. That is something I didn't do with Reagan when she was little- (obviously) -and I kind of wish I would have. I think little baby girls look sooo cute with earrings. But, then there's the whole issue of letting the child decide when to get their ears pierced and not making that decision for them. I guess my philosophy on the whole thing is this- most girls are going to want to get this done at some point, why not just go ahead and do it when they're little! I would have thanked my mom later if she would've pierced my ears when I was a baby...Anyway, with all the "ear piercing" discussions lately, Reagan decided she wanted to get hers done. I was a little shocked and told her that it would hurt some. She said, "ok, Mommy."

So, Saturday we went shopping with my sister and niece. We were getting ready to leave when I remembered there was a Claire's Boutique on out way out. Reagan said she was ready to get her ears pierced and she hopped right up on the piercing stool. Again, I was a little shocked. This is the girl who screams when we brush her teeth sometimes. She has a very low tolerance for pain. She picked out the cutest pink (of course, is there any other color?) flower, rhinestone ones. So, she got to hold the "Claire's Bear" to feel special. I was so nervous for her! I thought I was going to pass out. I can't believe I was acting this way! It was like they were going to pierce me! The manager looked at me and said, "Mom looks like she's ready to run!" Ha, ha! Reagan began to get a little nervous when they pinned back her hair and put the dots on her ears. She cried while it was happening and a little afterwards. Not long though... I let her pick out a prize and she was much happier. She hasn't complained with them at all since then. Just when I clean the earrings and turn them. She looks so adorable with earrings. My little girl is growing up! She is so proud of them and wants to show everyone.- And always wanting to look at them in the mirror. When we got home from the mall, she showed Austin her ears as soon as she got out of the car. She said, "Look Daddy, but be careful... don't get too close!" As she held her hand out by her ears! So now, I want to get Cara Grace's ears pierced. Maybe in the next week or so.... I have a few pics of the whole thing... I'll post them tomorrow.

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