Saturday, June 30, 2007

This is for you Em!

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I just realized I've been running errands all day with a big size medium sticker (M) on my chest.... Remember when you were out here Emily?- the tank top incident? Ha, Ha! I definately feel like a dumb blonde or Minne Pearl off Hee Haw! Good Times!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Weird Stuff

Why do strange things always happen to me? I was walking to get into the bed tonight and hit my toe really hard on the foot of our bed. I heard a "pop" and a "crack!" I bent my toe nail all the way back on my little toe. Just thought you all would like to know this! Hey, by the way... leave comments. I feeling a little lonely here. No one's posted a comment lately...anybody out there???

Pool Pics

Went swimming with the girls today. We had a great time! Cara Grace loves the water! (after she gets used to it) We went with my mom, sister, and Kamie & Eli. Eli loves the water too! He took right to it. He's such an easy going little guy... We bought Reagan a vest to wear in the water, but she was afraid to float on her own. We let go of her in the water to show her that it's o.k. and the vest would hold her up. She had a panic attack and screamed! We'll keep trying. A lady at the pool had an oversized baby pool with her. Reagan really enjoyed playing in it. I think she felt more safer there. Cara Grace is cutting her front teeth. She has four teeth and two on the way. The front teeth have been a little tough for her. She's been fussy with them this week. She is loving her baby food. Especially sweet peas- they are her favorite. Who would've thought! Reagan didn't like any baby food that was green!
We are finally getting some rain here and there. Our garden is doing well. My tomato plants are loaded down, just not red yet. I can't wait. I love home-grown tomatoes. They are the best!!! Our zucchini and squash are really taking off. I overlooked two zucchini for about a week. Austin noticed them on Sunday. They were huge! I think they were like 2 ft. tall. I've never seen any that big. I didn't realize they could get that size!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Just Funny!

O.K. folks, I am posting a pic from our Hilton Head trip b/c I am still not able to locate our camera. This is very sad....This is going to make for a dull blog.
But, I do have a funny story to tell on my girls! Friday night Austin, the girls, and I went out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant near A's work. The girls and I had been going to doct. appt. and running errands all day. So, we were all a little tired- and a lot hungry! (side note- Reagan seems to always have to do her #2 during dinner time....) So, our food arrived and we were about two bites into it and Reagan announces she has to go poop. Very loudly I might add! So, I tell her to please wait just a minute and I'll take her to the bathroom. So, now all I have on my mind- while trying to eat Mexican Food- is Reagan having to do her business. Not very appetizing! During our meal Cara Grace was sitting in her car seat at our table being a good girl. But, oh, now she was grunting and straining with all her might! Her face was turning red! Austin and I just looked at each other and laughed! How gross!!! So needless to say our meal wasn't so great, but hey kids, you gotta love them! They make your life fun and interesting! Never a dull moment!
Cara Grace thinks it's great fun now to blow and spit food once she gets her mouth full! Today I had pureed carrots all in my hair and all over my clothes. How do you tell a 7 mo. old to stop spitting food? Especially when she is having so much fun! She has started to babble a lot now as well. In the car today she kept saying "Da-da, Da-da!" She is such a happy baby! She is my sunshine!

Thursday, June 07, 2007