Sunday, November 11, 2007

I am the Queen of Randomness...

This has been a crazy weekend! It all started yesterday morning. Reagan usually gets up at the crack of dawn- before the sun comes up. Yes, I think it's rather disgusting. She is like a rooster. Anyways, Austin and I wanted to sleep in a little, so we turned on some cartoons for Reagan and gave her a cup of milk to drink. She still likes to drink warm milk. Well, about 30 minutes later she was crying and had puked the milk all over the living room rug! Needless to say, our sleeping in was over... I gave her some water b/c she was very thirsty. Well, that can up all over our rug too! So, now Reagan was banned from all drinking and eating for a while.

In addition to our lovely Sat. morn.-Cara Grace had a nasty cold. Snot going everywhere and she had a fever of 101. Austin told Reagan to stay away from the baby b/c "You don't want what she has and she doesn't want what you have." "You don't want both!"

Last night Reagan was feeling better so I let her go with me to Wal-Mart to get a few things. This is where the Random part of my story comes in to play. We were on the pain reliever aisle and I was looking for some Tylenol PM, when I hear Reagan screaming "Owwwww! My eyes, they're burning!!" I had only taken my eyes off her for 2 seconds. I guess their was a broken bottle of facial astringent (toner) on the floor that she tried to pick up? I'm not really sure. For those of you who don't know anything about this stuff- it contains a lot of alcohol and would probably burn the crap out of your eyes... Well, she got it in her eyes and was screaming. We checked out quickly and raced home. Austin flushed her eyes out with water for about 5 minutes. She is o.k. But, I'm a little mad at Wal-Mart. I told them about it and someone went and cleaned up the accident site! :)
I just hope Reagan isn't inheriting my randomness. Crazy things always happen to me...

So, we've all had a very "eventful" weekend. But, everyone is on the mend!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Cara Grace's 1st B-Day!

We had a little party for Cara Grace on Saturday. She had a blast! She didn't dig into her cake like we thought she would, but she did eat a lot of it. She had her own little cake. We picked strawberry cake w/ cream cheese icing. A lady at Austin's work make them for us. We thought they turned out pretty good!
About an hour after Cara Grace ate her cake, she had a Major sugar rush! She was laughing and purposefully throwing herself on the ground. She didn't know what to do with herself! It was so funny to watch! So, I'm pretty sure she had a grand time- eating sugar! Cara Grace loves table food... and she'll eat anything you put on her tray! She loves to eat...She wants to eat everytime she sees me eat, or anyone else. She makes this cute little sound when she wants to eat. It's sounds like a mmmm, mmmm. And she holds her arms and hands out and turns her hands up and down, kind of like she's giving gas to a motorcycle. Oh, as Kamie would say- "I LOVE IT!"

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Friday, November 02, 2007

Halloween pics

World's Tallest Jenga Tower

We had a Missonettes sleepover at the church in September. My friend Jan and I teach the 6-8th grade class. We played the game Jenga that night and boy did we build a tall tower! I bet we played one game for over 1/2 an hour. It was very fun! So, I thought I'd share our pics of the "world's largest Jenga tower!"

Happy Birthday Cara Grace!

Yesterday was Cara Grace's first birthday!! We are having a party for her this weekend. I want the party to be a balloon theme. She is crazy about balloons! We have invited other babies, so I guess we'll all watch the babies crawl around. I will post birthday pics soon! October was a busy month for everyone! I am coming to the end of my semester in school. I think I might just make a B in my math class. Which is really great! I made a 92 on my last test. I am slowly conquering math! OH yeah... We have a really good math teacher. She explains things very thoroughly, which is helpful...
I wanted to post this pic of my grandmother that passed away on Sept. 18th. I still cannot believe she is gone. We all miss her terribly! I miss her more now than ever...I miss hanging out at her house on Sunday's. Life is so fragile and precious. Let us not forget to make the most of everyday and don't forget to say "I love you" to those who are dear to
you! Our life and times are truly in the Lord's hands. I have thought about death and dying some now that my grandmother has gone to be with the Lord. I am so thankful for the Word and the all of it's promises to us as believers. Last night I was reading in Phillipians. I love the verse, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thankgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends ALL UNDERSTANDING, will GUARD you HEARTS and your MINDS in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6&7. Is. 26:3 says, "You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you."
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." Phil 4:8.