Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Cara Grace's 1st B-Day!

We had a little party for Cara Grace on Saturday. She had a blast! She didn't dig into her cake like we thought she would, but she did eat a lot of it. She had her own little cake. We picked strawberry cake w/ cream cheese icing. A lady at Austin's work make them for us. We thought they turned out pretty good!
About an hour after Cara Grace ate her cake, she had a Major sugar rush! She was laughing and purposefully throwing herself on the ground. She didn't know what to do with herself! It was so funny to watch! So, I'm pretty sure she had a grand time- eating sugar! Cara Grace loves table food... and she'll eat anything you put on her tray! She loves to eat...She wants to eat everytime she sees me eat, or anyone else. She makes this cute little sound when she wants to eat. It's sounds like a mmmm, mmmm. And she holds her arms and hands out and turns her hands up and down, kind of like she's giving gas to a motorcycle. Oh, as Kamie would say- "I LOVE IT!"

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Emily said...

Awe, Happy Birthday Cara Grace! She is such a cutie!

Matt and Cristin said...

Happy Birthday!! Lindsay...she is so precious!

Jeremy and Morgen said...

Happy Birthday!! I love 1st birthday pics!!!