Wednesday, February 20, 2008

American Idol- season 7

David Archuleta

This is the first season I've actually watched and I'm hooked! I don't need another television show to keep up with- two's enough. Survivor and now American Idol. (secrectly, I think I like American Idol better!) :) Austin and I like David Archuleta the best. He is only 17 yrs old and has an amazing voice. Plus, he's just so darn cute! Do you guys watch the show? If so, who do you want to win?


Emily said...

I don't normally watch, but I got sucked in this year! Ha!! I love little David too! He seems like such a little sweetie you just want to squeeze him!! hee hee. I would like to see him win too! I also like Jason Castro a little too. His eyes are well as his voice of course! He seems to have a good personality too! Well, keep watching and we'll chat!!

Anonymous said...

Finally, ya'll get hooked on my show! Ya, David A. has my vote all the way for the guys, maybe even for both! He is so humble and just so adorable.