Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our Pretty Yard

So it's officially spring and that means yard work! Austin has been working his tail off in the yard all weekend. -but our yard looks so amazing!! It is raining a lot more now and our grass is very green. We were able to mulch all of our flower beds and pot several plants around the front of the house. I love gerraniums and we have plenty of those this yr~ So, we've had a productive weekend. Austin said that he was sore from his calves all the way up to his neck. Now, I just hope it will not freeze at night and we can move on into May w/o any of the plants dying! Happy Spring Everyone!

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1 comment:

Emily W said...

Awe, it looks soo great! Good work Austin! Will you come and spruce ours up? It seems we can never find the time to do it!
Anyway, it looks awesome!! Thanks for sharing it with us!