Sunday, April 13, 2008

Reagan's Big Night...

Last Tuesday, we took Reagan for her kindergarten screening at her new school. She will start this fall! She did so great on all of her assessments and she LOVES her new school. She is adament about wanting to ride the bus this fall. I told her we would talk about it. She said, "The bus will come to my house, the bus driver will open the door, and I will go pick a seat!" Why are buses so cool to little kids??? I don't want my baby riding the bus! I can't believe she is starting school soon... time flies. I told Reagan that she shouldn't grow up so quick and to stay my little girl! She said, "But mom, I gotta grow up... I've got Jesus in me you know!"

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1 comment:

Emily W said...

Man, you are posting like crazy!!! I love it though!
Awe, how can Reagan be that old already?! That is so sweet what she said...