Thursday, May 22, 2008

Reagan's Preschool Pics

Tomorrow is Reagan's last day of preschool. Her teachers gave each child a cd of all the pics they had taken over the year. Reagan also made a book of different pics and artwork she had worked on throughout the year. It is such a great book, it'll be a wonderful thing to keep and look back on over the years. I must say that Reagan has learned so much since September. She is a different girl. And she is ready for big school now. Today I brought pizza and cupcakes for her class. We celebrated her birthday early. Summer birthdays aren't usually celebrated during the school yr. Reagan's class has had a b-day party everyday this week. - all the summer birthdays= lots of sugar!!! Too much sugar! I will miss her teachers Mrs. Lisa and Mrs. Brenda. They have done a wonderful job this yr. But, we are looking on now to bigger and better things, like KINDERGARTEN!! Waa-hoo!

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Matt and Cristin said...

Wow! It's crazy to see that! She is growing so fast! I've only met her once (newborn still in hospital) and can't believe she is heading to Kindergarten. WOW! That's cool! Congrats to you guys!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she made a keepsake book. It will be fun to look at for a long time to come. She's getting so big! It's nice to see her playing with her friends!

Love you all! Mom and Dad Phillips