Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What's going on here...

Well here it is the end of January already! What a busy month it has been. Things are going great for us- keeping very busy... Reagan is in the midst of learning a lot of new things. She can now say her ABC's. However, when she gets to L,M,N,O,P she says "double-double P." It's cute! She also knows her shapes and some of her colors. I wasn't aware she even knew all the names of her shapes until the other day she came up to me and said, "Square, triangle, circle, star." Reagan may be quiet and shy but she knows more than she is letting on. Her favorite color is PINK! Everything is PINK. She has also learned how to hide when it's time to brush her teeth. Last night Austin was looking for her b/c it was that time- the dreaded nightly teeth brushing. He kept calling for her and she never answered. He finally found her hiding beside the toliet in the guest bathroom- giggling. :) Reagan is such a joy to us and it's so neat to watch her grow and develop.

We have also made quite a big decision this month. This year, we are hoping to expand our numbers! We are hoping to have baby #2 sometime in the coming year. We are trying to plan it around my Christmas break from school, but we'll just have to wait and see... I know that we are ready to have another baby but I just can't bring myself to say the "p" word. Ha, ha.

Austin is doing really good at Clark Tire. He is hoping to get a raise and increased bonus this spring. We are looking forward to that. His general manager has mentioned that he hopes Austin will take his position within a year or so. So, that is very exciting news! I am keeping busy, busy with school. But, I am also learning a lot and am enjoying the classes immensly.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Cake-Cake and Cookies

O.K. I know a lot of the pics we post of Reagan are "eating" pics- but the girl really likes to eat! Especially sweets. She gets really excited about food just like her Daddy- it's so funny to watch! Last night Austin made cookies and we all sat down to watch a movie and unwind. Reagan had already had her one cookie. During the movie, she wandered off. Then she came back into the den holding yet another cookie and said "umm!" She had stolen one of the cookies off the cooling rack with her little paws! It was one of those moments where we knew we should probably scold her- but we busted out laughing instead. She only took two bites and ended up giving the cookie to me.

Children's Lit Class

Well, I have started a new semester at the community college. The two classes I am taking are Children's Literature and Health Education for Elementary Students. I must say, the first night of lit. class I was a bit overwhelmed with all that we will be doing this semester. We are required to read 35 children's books. (most short novels appropriate for 4th-6th graders) And write a research paper- AND given a power point presentation of an children's author and illustrator of our choice. So far I've really jumped right in and read three Newbery Award books- fifth grade level. I have really enjoyed reading these books! I'd forgotten how much I love to read and how much literature means to me. (and how much I enjoyed lit. when I was in school) When I first started this licensure program I was pretty certain that I was most interested in teaching second or third grade. However, since my "re-discovery" of literature, I feel pretty confident that I would like to teach sixth grade. I feel that books are a gift and I want to be able to share this passion that I have to as many children as I can. I want to be able to pass along to them the value great works of literature can have on their lives.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Baby Ian

Linz and Baby Ian in Phoenix, AZ

Friday, January 13, 2006


I am writing this post from Phoenix, Arizona! I am here visiting David and Emily- and their newest addition baby Ian! Ian Hunter was born on Nov. 20th. It's so good to be here with them. I haven't seen Emily since we moved from Tulsa. Babies change and grow so quickly!! I feel like I don't know what to do around an infant anymore! It's amazing how much changing they do in the first three years of their life! But, Ian is a really good baby- very content and sleeps a lot. I got to feed him his first bottle today! Phoenix is so different than N.C. Emily and David have a cactus growing in their front yard! Quite a change from ours. It is cool to see the mountains popping up in the midst of the of the desert. And all the mountains have individual names. Yesterday morning, my flight left Charlotte very early, before sunrise. About an hour into the flight, the sun started to come up. We were flying above the clouds, so it looked like there was a blanket of clouds below and a blanket of clouds above. In the middle of the clouds I could see the blue of the sky (bright and beautiful) and the sunrise was pink. It was probably the most amazing sunrise I've ever seen. I wonder if this was a glimpse of what heaven might look like.

Anyway, I am having a great time here and it's so good to see Emily. It's neat because we are such good friends that even time doesn't weaken our relationship. We just pick up where we left off. I know that God blessed me with many wonderful friends while in Tulsa. I am thankful to be able to maintain these friendships and hope our paths with cross again later in life. Who knows what God has in store? Emily, I thank God for you and love you like family!!! Thank you for a great weekend!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Pics of Reagan

Reagan playing in the leaves at the Phillips' house in Arkansas- Thanksgiving '05

Reagan on her "horsie"- given to her
by Grandma and Grandpa Phillips.

Reagan and Daddy eating "Cake-Cake" at a
Drips Coffee House in Hickory.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Dora the Explorer

For all of you out there who have small children, I'm sure you know what it's like to watch cartoons with them. Reagan's favorite show is Dora the Explorer. It's really sad because I know all of her DVDs by heart. Have any of you actually sat down and watch a whole episode? It's enough to drive you crazy! They're all the same. And Dora's map has to repeat their destination like a hundred times- we get it already! And what's the deal with Swiper the Fox? Sometimes, I wish he would take everything from Dora and Boots and ruin the whole episode! Ha! Ha! They could call it Swiper's Revenge! The other night Austin was watching one of the episodes with Reagan and Tico the squirrel was in this particular one. Well, Tico only speaks Spanish. So Dora and Boots ask you (the audience) to yell out words in Spanish to tell Tico what to do. Austin said Tico was an illegal alien because he hasn't learned to speak English yet. Then, he goes off on his usual speech about how illegal Mexicans are taking over the U.S. Maybe Dora is really in Mexico, who knows?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

John and Sandy's Wedding

This past weekend one of my best friend's from high school got married. The ceremony was beautiful! It was held in a small chapel close to our home. Although I wasn't a bride's maid- me and several other of Sandy's friends were able to walk down the aisle once the ceremony started, carrying a special flower. We were seated on the first two rows in the chapel. The wedding was at 10:00a.m. and the reception was immediately following. Since it was so early in the day, brunch was served at the reception. I thought this was a really cool idea because I have never seen this done at any reception- it was very original. And as the guests were leaving, each one received a CD with a few of Sandy and John's favorite love songs on it. - also a great idea! (the cd had a picture of their wedding chapel on it.)

During the wedding, I was thinking back to all the great memories Sandy and I have shared throughout the years. I am thankful for them and cherish them dearly. Sandy and John- we are so proud of you two and hope you have a wonderful honeymoon! (they are in Bermuda for the week.)

A New Year!

Hello all! We have created this blog to keep our family and friends updated on our lives. There are a lot of you out there that we cannot see as much as we'd like. So, hopefully this will keep you informed and connected. We will try and put up a new post about once a week. And hopefully once we get this thing up and going, we'll have pictures for you all to look at as well.

We are looking forward to this new year and know God has great things in store for us all!