Tuesday, January 03, 2006

John and Sandy's Wedding

This past weekend one of my best friend's from high school got married. The ceremony was beautiful! It was held in a small chapel close to our home. Although I wasn't a bride's maid- me and several other of Sandy's friends were able to walk down the aisle once the ceremony started, carrying a special flower. We were seated on the first two rows in the chapel. The wedding was at 10:00a.m. and the reception was immediately following. Since it was so early in the day, brunch was served at the reception. I thought this was a really cool idea because I have never seen this done at any reception- it was very original. And as the guests were leaving, each one received a CD with a few of Sandy and John's favorite love songs on it. - also a great idea! (the cd had a picture of their wedding chapel on it.)

During the wedding, I was thinking back to all the great memories Sandy and I have shared throughout the years. I am thankful for them and cherish them dearly. Sandy and John- we are so proud of you two and hope you have a wonderful honeymoon! (they are in Bermuda for the week.)

1 comment:

Jeremy and Morgen said...

I remember Sandy! I'm so happy for her! It is so good to hear from you- I can't wait so see pictures of Reagan. I bet she has grown so much.