Sunday, January 22, 2006

Children's Lit Class

Well, I have started a new semester at the community college. The two classes I am taking are Children's Literature and Health Education for Elementary Students. I must say, the first night of lit. class I was a bit overwhelmed with all that we will be doing this semester. We are required to read 35 children's books. (most short novels appropriate for 4th-6th graders) And write a research paper- AND given a power point presentation of an children's author and illustrator of our choice. So far I've really jumped right in and read three Newbery Award books- fifth grade level. I have really enjoyed reading these books! I'd forgotten how much I love to read and how much literature means to me. (and how much I enjoyed lit. when I was in school) When I first started this licensure program I was pretty certain that I was most interested in teaching second or third grade. However, since my "re-discovery" of literature, I feel pretty confident that I would like to teach sixth grade. I feel that books are a gift and I want to be able to share this passion that I have to as many children as I can. I want to be able to pass along to them the value great works of literature can have on their lives.

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