Tuesday, January 31, 2006

What's going on here...

Well here it is the end of January already! What a busy month it has been. Things are going great for us- keeping very busy... Reagan is in the midst of learning a lot of new things. She can now say her ABC's. However, when she gets to L,M,N,O,P she says "double-double P." It's cute! She also knows her shapes and some of her colors. I wasn't aware she even knew all the names of her shapes until the other day she came up to me and said, "Square, triangle, circle, star." Reagan may be quiet and shy but she knows more than she is letting on. Her favorite color is PINK! Everything is PINK. She has also learned how to hide when it's time to brush her teeth. Last night Austin was looking for her b/c it was that time- the dreaded nightly teeth brushing. He kept calling for her and she never answered. He finally found her hiding beside the toliet in the guest bathroom- giggling. :) Reagan is such a joy to us and it's so neat to watch her grow and develop.

We have also made quite a big decision this month. This year, we are hoping to expand our numbers! We are hoping to have baby #2 sometime in the coming year. We are trying to plan it around my Christmas break from school, but we'll just have to wait and see... I know that we are ready to have another baby but I just can't bring myself to say the "p" word. Ha, ha.

Austin is doing really good at Clark Tire. He is hoping to get a raise and increased bonus this spring. We are looking forward to that. His general manager has mentioned that he hopes Austin will take his position within a year or so. So, that is very exciting news! I am keeping busy, busy with school. But, I am also learning a lot and am enjoying the classes immensly.

1 comment:

David Wegley said...

It is so exciting to hear you talk about having another baby!! Guess Ian did the trick huh?!! He is such a good boy!
I can't wait to come see you all! Reagan is growing so fast and she is so adorable!
We love you guys and are so excited for you! Keep us posted!
(from Em even though David's stuff posts!)