Sunday, April 30, 2006

Reagan's Curly Hair!

Here is our Reagan with curly hair. I wanted to put the pictures in order- first the rollers, then the curls- but oh well... you get the idea! We bought these cool soft rollers at Wal-Mart that she can sleep in. I put them in her hair when it's wet and the next morning it is sooo curly! I think she looks like that little black boy off The Little Rascals with her rollers in! :) She is pretty cooperative in letting me roll her hair. Just as long as she can look at herself in the bathroom mirror while I'm doing it. Reagan got her second hair cut last Tuesday. We decided to have a couple of inches taken off. It was starting to look "thin and stringy." So, I'll have to get some pics posted of her new do.

I'll share some funny stories with you about Reagan. Everytime we're outside and I have Minnie hooked up to her running leash, Reagan lets her go when I have my back turned for just a second! Then Austin or I have to go chasing after her. She runs very fast! We have told her it is not safe to let Minnie go in the backyard b/c she could run up to the road and get hit by a car. We live off a pretty busy road and cars don't really abide by the speed limit, so we're afraid Minnie will get hit. And Minnie likes to chase cars. So, we have spanked and scolded Reagan for letting Minnie loose, but no matter how much we punish her, she still does it! I guess she wants Minnie to be free.

Reagan has also been going into her room and shutting the door to "play" with Minnie. Friday night she had her door shut so I opened it and asked her what she was doing. She told me to shut the door and Minnie looked liked she wanted out very badly! Last night she shut her door again with Minnie in her room. Austin opened the door this time and saw Reagan holding a baby wipe saying, "Saying Minnie wipe?" And Minnie shot out of the room. We hope she wasn't trying to wipe Minnie's bottom! :)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Random thoughts and pics...

I'm not really sure what Reagan is doing in this top picture. I think she's pouting about something. And we thought you guys would like to see the inside of our dish washer! Next weekend is my b-day- The Big 30!!! AHHHH! No more twenties! How sad... Oh well life is good and I'm enjoying every stage and new adventure. Honestly, being twenty-something and single is over-rated! I think once you've been married for a while, life really starts getting good! Austin- I love you more now than I did when I married you!! XXXOOO!

This is Reagan playing in her sand box. She loves
it! We are hoping to get her a swingset for her
birthday this year. Lately, she been in the
habit of throwing sand out of the sand box!
The weather here has been very nice and
we've actually gotten some rain recently-
much needed!!! Our yard is looking better
and better thanks to the Landscaping King!
We can't keep him out of it on Saturdays.
But, I'm not complaining! :)

This is a picture of my parents taken at
Sandy and John's wedding. I thought they
both looked really nice! Love ya Mom and

We watched Walk the Line this weekend. It is so Good! I would recommend it if you've not yet seen it. I didn't know much about the life of Johnny Cash. But, the movie doesn't go on to say that Johnny Cash became a strong Christian and he and his wife did a lot for the Lord later in their lives. Ha- just like Hollywood! It did show them going to church at the end though. I'm going to watch it again tonight b/c I missed the first half. I fell asleep and then woke up for the second half. I guess that's what being pregnant does to you. I've been sooo tired lately! Well, I hope this blog hasn't rambled on too much. Until next time...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I found this pic of Austin and I taken back in Tulsa. "Pre-Reagan days!" I will have to post some older pics for a while... Our digital camera bit the dust over the weekend! boo hoo! I was really hoping to get some pictures of the Easter play and of some of the actors in costume. Oh well. So, in the meantime, I hope you all will enjoy looking at some older pictures. Hopefully we can go this weekend and look for a new camera!

Well, the play was an absolute success last weekend! All I can say is WOW! At our Saturday night performance we had over 400 people to attend. The church was wall to wall people. I think that was our most emotional performace. In one scene, I played a mourner at Jesus' cruxifiction. During practice, I would have to pretend to cry. But, during all the performances I really wept. A lot of the children in the play had a really hard time with the cruxifiction scene. Some of them would cry before this scene and not want to participate. It was just so realistic! There was such an annointing during the performances. I can't explain it. Being in this production was so rewarding. I will remember this for as long as I live. I'm so glad I stuck it out even though I wasn't feeling my best. This Easter will be one to remember! By the time I got to eat our Easter lunch I was emotionally and physically drained! Many, many thanks to Josh and Gina Scott who directed the play and made it all possible- you guys are great!

I went for my second visit to the doctor. At this visit, I got to hear the babies heart beat! That is so cool! My doctor didn't tell me how many beats per minute and I didn't think to ask. I must say, this second pregnancy is just so different! It's so much more relaxed! But, sometime in June I will get another ultrasound and we will find out who's hiding in there! :) We have a few names picked out, just not certain on them. If we have a boy, we definately have a name. Still thinking of a girl name though...I was surprised to see that I had gained 4lbs. since my last visit. I need to stop eating so much ice cream. But, it's so good!!! Well, that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing well!!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Not much new here...

Not much new to post this time... Things are good. Our church is putting on Easter play this weekend. I am playing a townsperson. My big acting debute! :) We are performing the play Saturday night and in both services on Sunday. The director of our play is a drama teacher at a local high school here in town. The play is very good, very realistic. So, I will be busy this weekend with dress reheasal and the performances. It will be a lot of fun!

My parents are officially moved out of their house. It is sad to see them in a rental home. But, they will be in their new house hopefully sometime next year. We are having a big yard sale Saturday to get rid of some stuff. Mom has a lot of "stuff" -a.k.a junk to sell and so do I! Hope fully I can make a little bit of money. Last week, I was helping my parents go through some papers and things in their attic. I came across some old yearbooks from high school and letters from college. It was like taking a trip down memory lane. All I can say is Thank God for Austin!

Well, I received a phone call from my sister yesterday.... she's pregnant!!! I can't believe it! There are so many people pregnant! My mom will have her hands full at the end of the year! I am excited to be pregnant with my sister. This will be fun! Her baby is due December 17th. So, we will both have our preggie bellies when we take our family beach trip in June.

That's all the news for now... I hope to post some pics of our play on Sunday. Don't worry, they'll be pics soon! Until next time...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Mommy and Reagan

Last night we went to Fuddrucker's. I was craving a big, juicy cheeseburger! It's funny how your digestion changes when your pregnant. I wasn't liking the cheeseburger very much a few hours later. Oh well... But, I am feeling better. I am in my tenth week and most of my morning and night sickness is gone! This pregnancy (so far...) has been much easier. I met my doctor a couple of weeks ago. She is really nice and down to earth. We have scheduled my c-section for November 1st. The baby is actually due Nov. 4th-but they will take it a little early. I told her I didn't want a Halloween baby. So, she said, "How about Nov. 1st?" It is going to be interesting to be pregnant throughout the summer. My hands are already swelling some when I get hot. It's been in the 80's here lately. But, I've found that fruit and lemon water helps me stay cool. I will get another ultrasound done sometime the last of May to find out what the little bean is. Austin is hoping for a boy-me too. But, I won't be too upset to have another little girl. So, Life Is Good! The weather is wonderful! I have Spring Fever!! Classes will be over soon for a little while. Everyone in my class is experiencing Spring Fever too. Only a couple more weeks to go... Until next time...

Austin- Our Landscaping Pro

Austin loves working in the yard! And we are very glad! Our yard is looking great. This first pic is a Bradford Pear tree he planted when we first moved. It has grown quite a bit. A couple weeks ago, we put a bird feeder in it. There is a pretty Cardinal that comes to visit it everyday. Reagan enjoys watching the birds come and go. The next pic is Reagan standing on a rock path that Austin built connecting two of our flower beds. She's finally getting to the age where she wants to pose for pictures, "Say Cheese!"
This is one of the beds Austin made. It is blooming right now with daffadils. And of course I had to take a picture of the landscaping king hard at work! Austin is glad the warm weather is finally here. (Me too!) I must admit, he has the green thumb in our family, but I am learning... You will find Austin in the yard just about every Saturday. I think it's a form of relaxation for him- getting a break from his sometimes stressful job at Clark Tire.

Austin is also working on putting a long flower bed in front of the house to kind of enclose that area. We want to make it into a porch or seating area. We've been looking at a Curb Appeal magazine and getting some ideas. There are so many things you can do to a house to change it's outside appearance- inexpensive ones. This week we are getting a new roof put on our house! Yea!!! It will look much better. I will take a pic of it when it's completed. The roofer said it would take about 4 or 5 days to finish it. So, hopefully when the Phillips come out in July, when will be finished with our projects! We are looking forward to seeing you all very soon!

Finally Pictures!!!

The weather has been so wonderful here the past few days. Reagan and I went walking at a park close to our house last Friday. It is a beautiful park with ducks and a pond. Right now everything is in full bloom! Although Reagan likes the ducks, she gets a little nervous when they get too close! We fed the ducks Goldfish.- They seemed to like them! :) The top picture is a bridge that is on the walking track. It is so pretty! I love living close to the mountains and trees!