Sunday, April 02, 2006

Austin- Our Landscaping Pro

Austin loves working in the yard! And we are very glad! Our yard is looking great. This first pic is a Bradford Pear tree he planted when we first moved. It has grown quite a bit. A couple weeks ago, we put a bird feeder in it. There is a pretty Cardinal that comes to visit it everyday. Reagan enjoys watching the birds come and go. The next pic is Reagan standing on a rock path that Austin built connecting two of our flower beds. She's finally getting to the age where she wants to pose for pictures, "Say Cheese!"
This is one of the beds Austin made. It is blooming right now with daffadils. And of course I had to take a picture of the landscaping king hard at work! Austin is glad the warm weather is finally here. (Me too!) I must admit, he has the green thumb in our family, but I am learning... You will find Austin in the yard just about every Saturday. I think it's a form of relaxation for him- getting a break from his sometimes stressful job at Clark Tire.

Austin is also working on putting a long flower bed in front of the house to kind of enclose that area. We want to make it into a porch or seating area. We've been looking at a Curb Appeal magazine and getting some ideas. There are so many things you can do to a house to change it's outside appearance- inexpensive ones. This week we are getting a new roof put on our house! Yea!!! It will look much better. I will take a pic of it when it's completed. The roofer said it would take about 4 or 5 days to finish it. So, hopefully when the Phillips come out in July, when will be finished with our projects! We are looking forward to seeing you all very soon!

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